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Subject: Re: [soa-rm] summary of service definition suggestions

Hi All,

To the Ken's point #1, I propose to use plural rather than singular form for 'service':

   access is provided using THE prescribed interfaceS, and” 

Otherwise, a reader may conclude that the service may have only one interface, which s not correct. I do not mind to leave the part  access is provided using a prescribed interface, and”  in place because it outlines the architectural nature of the SOA service.

I do agree very much with Ken's catch up in #2.

In #3, I believe that “A service (in the context of SOA) is a business-aligned IT capability …” simply contradicts positioning of SOA in between Business and IT, in both parts.  SOA has left its IT incubator, IMO. So, “A service (in the context of SOA) is a business-aligned capability …” seems to me more accurate but I am in favor of #2 definition.

In #4, in “A capability is the ability to perform a function or set of functions based on expertise and capacity” - why we need to mention "...based on expertise and capacity”? An expertise and capacity seem the default conditions of any capability. I propose to drop this part.

Thank you,
- Michael Poulin

-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Laskey <klaskey@mitre.org>
To: soa-rm@lists.oasis-open.org
Sent: Sun, Jul 18, 2010 4:02 am
Subject: [soa-rm] summary of service definition suggestions

I suggest you all reread the threads (see http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/soa-rm/email/archives/201004/msg00026.html and http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/soa-rm/email/archives/201004/msg00061.html for beginning of threads).  They show an order of magnitude more insight than the best of other discussions.
In an attempt to provide a starting point for the RM meeting discussion, I provide the following as a capture: a summary definition that tries to capture previous points and suggested changes beyond that.
A service (in the context of SOA) is a capability that exposes a business function in the context of the following constraints:
The service is offered and packaged by a provider and made accessible to consumers
access is provided using a prescribed interface that abstracts (or hides) the implementation details of the capability or function, and
the service is exercised consistent with the contracts and policies as specified by its description. 
In general, the specifics of the business function should be known independent of the service that exposes it.
specific suggested changes:
1.  “access is provided using a prescribed interface, and” and drop “that abstracts (or hides) the implementation details of the capability or function”
2.  A service (in the context of SOA) is a capability that **is exposed as a** business function in the context of the following constraints…  rather than **exposes**
3. “A service (in the context of SOA) is a business-aligned capability …” or more specifically, “A service (in the context of SOA) is a business-aligned IT capability …”
4. Additionally: “A capability is the ability to perform a function or set of functions based on expertise and capacity.”
</ startingPoint >
I did not try to capture discussions that did not offer specific wording.  This is meant without prejudice to those discussions, but I found no way to do those justice.  Also, while those discussions bring up important points for additional expansions, I do not think they materially affect the summary. 
Feel free to augment my capture.
I look forward to reaching consensus.
P.S. We will also need to decide what to do with the result.  At one point I raised the possibility “I suggest we write it up as a white paper that is endorsed by the TC, have it announced as appropriate by OASIS, and ask the TC members to include appropriate discussion of this in their blogs.”  Other suggestions are welcome, including a new version of the RM.  Give the possibilities some thought.
Dr. Kenneth Laskey
MITRE Corporation, M/S H305              phone: 703-983-7934
7515 Colshire Drive                                    fax:        703-983-1379
McLean VA 22102-7508

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