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Subject: Re: [tac] TAC TC Meeting Notes


Which Chatbot did you run to generate this summary? It looks like ChatGPT4.

R. Jane Ginn, MSIA, MRP
Secretary, TAC-TC
Secretary, OCA CASP
+1(480) 646-7837
On 2/6/2024 2:38 PM, MARONEY, PATRICK wrote:




The OASIS TAC-TC (Threat Actor Context Technical Committee) Monthly Meeting held in January 2024 focused on advancing cybersecurity standards and practices. The meeting brought together representatives from diverse sectors including telecommunications (AT&T), banking (ANZ Banking Group), cybersecurity (CTIN), academia (University of Oslo), and law enforcement (US FBI), reflecting the interdisciplinary approach necessary for tackling modern cybersecurity challenges.


Key Topics Discussed:


STIX Ontology Progress: The committee reviewed the development of the STIX (Structured Threat Information _expression_) ontology, which is pivotal for standardizing the representation and exchange of cybersecurity threat information. This ontology facilitates the automation and integration of threat data across different systems and platforms, enhancing the overall efficiency of cybersecurity measures.


Cybersecurity Automation for Plugfest Event: Preparations for the upcoming cybersecurity automation 'plugfest' event were discussed. This event aims to test and demonstrate the interoperability of cybersecurity tools and technologies, ensuring that they can work seamlessly together to detect, mitigate, and prevent cyber threats. The plugfest represents a practical application of the committee's work, showcasing advancements in automation that can streamline cybersecurity operations.


Integration of Threat Actor Context Ontology: The meeting emphasized the importance of integrating the threat actor context ontology into cybersecurity practices. This ontology is designed to provide a more nuanced understanding of threat actors, including their motives, tactics, and behaviors. By incorporating this context, cybersecurity professionals can better predict and counteract the actions of potential threat actors, leading to more effective defense strategies.


Action Items:


Preparation for the Cybersecurity Automation Village Plugfest: Committee members were tasked with finalizing the preparations for the plugfest event. This includes ensuring the interoperability of participating technologies, setting up demonstration scenarios, and coordinating with participants to highlight advancements in cybersecurity automation.


Further Development and Integration of Ontologies: The committee is to continue its work on developing and refining the STIX ontology and the threat actor context ontology. This involves addressing any identified gaps, enhancing the ontologies' capabilities for detailed threat representation, and integrating them into cybersecurity tools and practices.


Improvement of Interoperability and Automation Capabilities: An ongoing action item is the enhancement of interoperability between different cybersecurity systems and the automation of threat detection and response processes. This effort is crucial for keeping pace with the rapidly evolving cyber threat landscape and ensuring that cybersecurity measures are as efficient and effective as possible.


The OASIS TAC-TC Monthly Meeting underscored the critical role of collaboration across sectors in advancing cybersecurity standards and practices. By focusing on the development of ontologies and the practical demonstration of cybersecurity automation, the committee is working to create a more secure and resilient digital environment.


A blue circle with text

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Patrick MaroneyÂ|ÂPrincipal â Cybersecurity | AT&T Services, Inc.

Threat Analytics






From: MARONEY, PATRICK <rx118r@att.com>
Date: Tuesday, February 6, 2024 at 3:44 PM
To: JG @ OASIS <jg@ctin.us>, tac@lists.oasis-open.org <tac@lists.oasis-open.org>
Subject: Re: [tac] TAC TC Meeting Notes

Re: âthe AI generated Transcript.â â Interesting. Definitely requires some post-facto editing/curating but very interesting nonetheless! Especially for overworked TC Secretaries. Might be interesting to see it taken to the next level (i.e., âSummarize the Transcript to identify key concepts, action itemsâ.â


A blue circle with text

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Patrick MaroneyÂ|ÂPrincipal â Cybersecurity | AT&T Services, Inc.

Threat Analytics






From: tac@lists.oasis-open.org <tac@lists.oasis-open.org> on behalf of JG @ OASIS <jg@ctin.us>
Date: Tuesday, February 6, 2024 at 3:36 PM
To: tac@lists.oasis-open.org <tac@lists.oasis-open.org>
Subject: [tac] TAC TC Meeting Notes

TAC TC: Attached are the meeting notes from the session earlier today.â Note that I have embedded the AI generated Transcript.â It is very rough, but, in the interest of time, I wanted to get these out to the broader group. -- ***************************


Attached are the meeting notes from the session earlier today. Note that I have embedded the AI generated Transcript. It is very rough, but, in the interest of time, I wanted to get these out to the broader group.

R. Jane Ginn, MSIA, MRP
Secretary, TAC-TC
Secretary, OCA CASP
+1(480) 646-7837

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