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Subject: Test Assertions - A Simple Approach (homework for f2f)

Apologies for the delay in sending this out.  Please see 
http://www.opurt.com/tag.html if the images in this e-mail do not show 
up correctly.
Victor and I will present this later today.

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Title: Test Assertions - A Simple Approach

Test Assertions - A Simple Approach


  • Common thought at Sun is that assertions are "literal" - their text can be found within the spec
    • Java specifications - JavaDoc, JLS, JVMS
    • Most assertion in Java Specifications are literal
  • In practice, Many assertions are derived from text (or a diagram, an image, a cell within a table, an element in a formal grammar, etc) found within a specification.
  • Sometimes an assertion is derived from multiple locations in one specification or from multiple specifications.

Necessary assertion data:

Definition: Assertion - structured data that exists outside of a specification.

Simplest form of an assertion:

  • assertion ID - (should be unique within the spec and remain static)
  • assertion text
  • reference indicating the location in the specification where the text can be found or from where it can be derived.

Two assertion classifications:

  • literal - Text can be found directly in the specification text
    • JLS Chapter 10 Arrays. 10.7 Array Members "Every array implements the interfaces Cloneable and java.io.Serializable."
  • derived - Assertion text is derived from text found within the specification or specifications.
  • simple - A single reference to a set of text within a specification is sufficient.
  • compound - More than one reference to sets of text within a specification or specifications is necessary.

At Sun, we work mostly with simple literal assertions.

Our goal:

  • Define assertion markup for text within specifications
    • Literal and derived
  • Markup should be as simple as possible
    • simplest case is where a string of text in a specification is an assertion
    • flexible to handle complex compound derived assertions
  • Should be extendable
    • Additional attributes could be added to proposed markup

Assertion markup structure

General Structure

Example of an assertion as part of an assertion list:
<assertion id="123">
    <text [type= "literal" | "derived"]>This is the text of the assertion.</text>
    <reference [type = "primary" | "secondary"]>Pointer into the spec(s)</reference>
    [optionally, additional <reference> tags may be provided]

  • literal/derived attribute
    • identifies whether the text of the assertion is literally copied from the spec or whether it has been derived from it.
    • Optional, default is literal.
  • primary/secondary attribute
    • Optional, defaulting to primary.
    • allows the construction of "compound" assertions where more than one reference to the spec (or even different specs) is required to create the assertion.
    • Assertions of this type will probably be of type derived rather than literal.
    • If literal, the text of the assertion will be found at the primary reference.

Example of Simplest Case

a single literal string within a specification:

<assertion id="123">
    <text>This is the text of the assertion.</text>

The reference into the specification should include a reference to the specification (specID) and a pointer to a location (:123) within the specification. The format of the reference into the spec has not been determined. Some possible options are:

  • Xpath expressions for XML and XHTML
  • Section, chapter, sentence, line numbers
  • references to HTML anchors

Specification markup structure

Sometimes it makes sense to apply markup directly to a specification so that assertion lists can be automatically generated. At the minimum, markup process involves identifying normative text.

  • Java Language Specification
  • Java Virtual Machine Specification
  • Java API Specifications (JavaDoc) - this is typically done with a tool (Spectrac) or on paper with a highlighter


<normative id="123" [see-also="SpecRef1 [, SpecRef2, SpecRef3...]]">
This is some normative text.

The optional see-also attribute

  • allows one or more additional references to other <normative> elements
    • Additional references can be in same specification or external specifications.

Example - JLS:

Different format than proposed here - for illustration purpose:


Deriving assertions from marked-up specs - Simple Case

The simplest case of markup within a specification reduces to:

<normative id="123">This is some normative text.</normative>

From this it is possible to automatically generate the simple literal assertion discussed above:

<assertion id="123">
    <text>This is the text of the assertion.</text>

Since this is a literal assertion, the text of the assertion will be the same as the normative text identified within the specification.

More complex cases.

A specification example with secondary normative text, non-normative text, and primary normative text:

<normative id="123" type="secondary">
This is some normative text that provides some general background requirements for a range of cases.
This is non-normative text.....
<normative id="456" see-also="specID:123">
This is normative text that states requirements for a particular instance.

From this text the following compound literal assertion could be automatically generated:

<assertion id="456">
    <text type="literal">This is normative text that states requirements for a particular instance.</text>
    <reference type="primary">Pointer to 456</reference>
    <reference type="secondary">Pointer to 123</reference>

  • A human editor might choose in this case to replace the text with something "derived" from both 123 and 456, in which case the text type would be changed to derived.
  • The primary attribute is optional and could be dropped


  • Simple test assertion framework that allows us to cover the most common cases here at Sun
  • Can support compound assertions
  • Does the support for Compound assertions complicate the proposal?
    • Would Compound assertions be used in the industry?
  • Does the "see-also" attribute complicate the specification mark-up process
    • Is it enough for specification writers to only identify normative text?
    • Test writers could manually link together normative statements to form compound assertions

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