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Subject: Re: [tag] a proposal for "multiple" elements in Target, Prerequisite, Predicate

I'd only add that prerequisite and predicate may need the multiple occurance
of the prose sub-element to allow for multiple human languages. The trouble
then arises of how to handle both the prose and the expression being multi-
occurance. It seems to need the matching of the prose to just or of the 'expr'
elements or perhaps to the sum expression all of the 'expr' elements. I would
prefer to see the 'name' attribute at the 'prerequisite' level:

<prerequisite name="youngauthor">
<prose lg="en">...</prose>
<prose lg="fr">...</prose>
<prose lg="jp">...</prose>
<expr lg="XPath" > (a boolean expression, e.g. age less
 35) </expr>
<prerequisite name="prolific">
<prerequisite name="international">
<prerequisite name="primary">
<prose lg="en">...</prose>
<prose lg="fr">...</prose>
<prose lg="jp">...</prose>
<expr lg="XPath"> ( a boolean expression, that states the
 overall prereq expression, e.g.: $youngauthor and ($prolific
 or  $international) </expr>

Then it is clear that all of the prose contents for a single
prerequisite apply to the
same expression.

- Steve

PS: apologies for missing call yesterday - was coming back from
holiday and forgot
it would mean getting back too late for the call.

2009/4/10 Jacques R. Durand <JDurand@us.fujitsu.com>:
> A general proposal for "multiple expressions" in Target, Prerequisite,
> Predicate:
> (trying to take into account previous remarks)
> 1- Target: this element is unique to a TA. But the target may be defined as
> a composition of several artifacts, that are in turn described by several
> expressions elements under <target>. It is this composition that is subject
> to the predicate.
> See the example given in wiki (issue  #2
>  http://wiki.oasis-open.org/tag/Issues) , where the target is a combination
> of "author" + related artifacts, identified using different - but related
> - XPath expressions :
> <target>
> <prose>...</prose>
> <expr name="author" lg="XPath"
> <expr name="books" lg="XPath">document(..mybooklist..)/book[@author =
> $author/name]</expr>
> <expr name="publishers" lg="XPath">document(..publishing houses ..)
> /publishersdirectory/publisher[fn:index-of( fn:distinct-values("for $bk in
> $books return $bk/@publisher"), @name) gt 0 ]</expr>
> </target>
> This combination of artifacts is subject to the TA predicate and
> prerequisite.
> 2. Prerequisite: this optional element may be multiple in a TA, with the
> implicit semantics of logical AND.
> But each one of these <prerequisite> elements is structured like above
> <target>: MAY contain several named expressions, that may be referred to by
> their name and composed into more complex logical expressions:
> <prerequisite>
> <prose>...</prose>
> <expr name="youngauthor" lg="XPath" > (a boolean expression, e.g. age less
> 35) </expr>
> <expr name="prolific" lg="XPath"> ( a boolean expression, e.g. number books
> more than 10 over 10 years ) </expr>
> <expr name="international" lg="XPath"> ( a boolean expression, e.g.
> published in more than 2 languages )</expr>
> <expr name="primary" lg="XPath"> ( a boolean expression, that states the
> overall prereq expression, e.g.: $youngauthor and ($prolific
> or  $international) </expr>
> </prerequisite>
> 3- Predicate: this element is unique to a TA. Structured exactly like a
> Prerequsite element above.
> Jacques

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