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Subject: TAG TC 2010-08-03 Meeting Minutes

Test Assertions Guidelines (TAG) TC Teleconference Meeting


Tuesday 2pm (PDT), 21:00Z, 3 August 2010

Host confcall: Fujitsu
US Toll Free: 877-995-3314
US Toll/International: 210-339-1806
Passcode: 9589308

Attendance and Quorum


4/5 Voting Members attending: 4/5 requirement for quorum was satisfied

 * Jacques Durand, Chair (Fujitsu)
 * Dennis Hamilton, Secretary (Individual) 
 * Frederick Boland (NIST) 
 * Paul Rank (Oracle)

 [*: Voting member at start and conclusion of the meeting (4)]


   Dale Moberg (Axway Software)
   Youngkon Li (Individual)
   Kyoung_Rog Yi (National IT Industry Promotion Agency, Korea)
 = Patrick Curran (Oracle)
 * Kevin Looney (Oracle)
   Dmitry Kostovarov, (Oracle)
   Victor Rudometov, (Oracle)
   Hyunbo Cho (Pohang University of Science & Technology)

 [*: Voting member at start and conclusion of the meeting (1)
  =: Persistent non-Voting Member at start and conclusion of meeting (1)]

  < http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/tag/201006/msg00020.html>
  The 2010-06-23 Meeting Minutes were approved without objection

  < http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/tag/201007/msg00001.html>
  The agenda was followed, along with notes provided for background by
Jacques Durand as part of a meeting reminder,
  < http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/tag/201008/msg00000.html>. 

   1. Review of TA Model, rev 4 (see uploaded 2010-06-16, src & pdf)

   2. Review of TA Guidelines, CD04-rev2 (uploaded 2010-07-02)
      < http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=38520>

   3. Review of TA Markup, rev 4 (see uploads 6/16, src & pdf)

   3. administrative matters: 
      - meeting notes approval (June 23)
      - JIRA issue tracker.
      - next PR plans.


  AI1-Aug3: [Jacques] Propose closing of completed Action Items to the TC

  AI2-Aug3: [Jacques] Upload new TA Markup Schema by August 10.

  AI1-June23: [Kevin] Review the guidelines to see if there is a need for
more alignment now that the model document has been refined. 

  AI2-June23: [Jacques] Add some information to the Model and the Guidelines
concerning the description element and how it should be used.

  AI3-June23: [Jacques] Note that the UML diagram must change on test set to
align with the change in language.

  AI4-June23 [Jacques] Update the XML Schema for the Markup to reflect the
changes being made.

  AI5-June23 [Jacques] Repost the documents as they are at the end of June.

  AI6-June23 [Jacques] Determine whether Guidelines need to provide
advice/examples and references to finer details within the Model
  AI1-June9: [Jacques] Revise the components on JIRA and add list of
versions that can be used in the Applies Version and Fix Version pull-downs
on JIRA.

  AI2-June9: [Jacques] Create an issue on the Normative Source Structure and
how we propose to simplify it.

  AI1-May25: [All] Review the direction taken in TA Model CD01-rev02 in
preparation for approving the updated conformance section and the approach
to providing semantics in the TA Model on the next call (tbd after June 8).

  AI2-May25: [Jacques] will upload a more-complete version of TAML showing
the RelaxNG usage.

  AI3-May25: [Jacques] upload an update of the TA Model draft

  AI4-May25: [All] Look over Normative Source and RefSourceItems,
TextSourceItems, DerivedSourceItems for Section 3, how semantics are placed,
and how the changes are working before Jacques continues in a week.

  AI5-May25: [Jacques] Determine workable call time and date for the first
call in June.

  AI1-May11: [Jacques] check with Patrick Curran about when his leave

  AI2-May11: *Done* [Jacques] create a standing "TAG Promotion" item in the

  AI1-Apr27: [Dennis] to investigate "Compact" RelaxNG for our Markup
syntax.  [Jacques finds this tutorial:
  [Dennis since found a compact form used in a W3C specification, adding it
to TAG-4, http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/tag/201005/msg00014.html]

  AI2-Apr27: *Done* [Jacques] to check the JIRA page, possible
add Dennis as authorized user.

  AI1-Mar30: [Jacques] follow-up with Dave P. on his comments, to make sure
we address them correctly.

  AI3-Mar30: [Jacques] Contact W3C test team to remind them of PR, calling
for comments.

  AI4-Mar30: [Kevin] Contact Oracle internally to confirm they know about
the PR (folks who contacted him)

  AI5-Mar30: [Dennis] Investigate RDF possible representation for the TA
Model. (ontologies / OWL?)  

    Jacques provided a quick review of changes already in the model.
Overall, there are no objections to the direction.
    Open questions have to do with the Description component of Test
Assertions and with the need to update figures to be consistent with the
text and changes being made.
    Test Assertion Diagram: The language attribute is missing.
    Test Assertion Set: The structure around Test Assertion Selection needs
to be introduced,
With TA Selector going away.
    Shared Model seems all right.
    Test Assertion Reference is now very simple and different, but maybe
diagram can simply go away.
    Test Assertion Document Header may be at or over the line about what is
needed as model. The diagram may also be unnecessary.
    Jacques or Stephen will fix the diagrams.  Visual Paradigm is needed to
work on them as they are currently constructed.
    NEXT STEPS: Have a complete new draft with updated diagrams in two

    Again, there are no objections to the direction of the changes.
    The open topic is what should appear in the guidelines with regard to
the new Description component in the Test Assertion Model.
    What's being considered is having the Description component show in the
diagram and be described in the Optional Parts subsection, but with no use
of it in exemplary material.  Jacques will craft something.
    There is also an insertion in the discussion on Normative Source.  It is
unclear whether more is needed.

    Jacques will upload a new schema.
    The main job is to align the schema with the latest proposed changes to
the TA Markup.
    Jacques provided further details in his note preceding the meeting,

    The goal is to have updated revisions that can be approved as Committee
Draft candidates for Public Review.  Jacques is thinking that a 30-day
second review might be better than a 15-day, because of the amount of
changed material.
    With regard to achieving Committee specifications and submission for
ratification as OASIS Standards, we believe there are enough uses of the
model to find three OASIS members who have applied the model.  There are
three candidates for TA Model statements of use, but having more candidates
would be worthwhile there too.
    Jacques also outline for us changes to the OASIS process that will go
into effect on October 15, presumably for new standards.  It is not clear
whether those will impact our already-underway effort.  The differences are
mainly ones of timing: all public reviews to be 30 days and the review time
for OASIS standard candidates is expanded to 60 days.

The next call will be on TUESDAY August 17.  

 - Dennis E. Hamilton 

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