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Subject: action items update

Sorry came up a bit late with this AI update:

AI1-Aug3: [Jacques] Propose closing of completed Action Items to the TC list.

see below:




DONE: AI1-Aug3: [Jacques] Propose closing of completed Action Items to the TC list.

AI2-Aug3: [Jacques] Upload new TA Markup Schema by August 10.

AI1-June23: [Kevin] Review the guidelines to see if there is a need for more alignment now that the model document has been refined.

AI2-June23: [Jacques] Add some information to the Model and the Guidelines concerning the description element and how it should be used.

AI3-June23: [Jacques] Note that the UML diagram must change on test set to align with the change in language.

AI4-June23 [Jacques] Update the XML Schema for the Markup to reflect the changes being made.

DONE: AI5-June23 [Jacques] Repost the documents as they are at the end of June.

DONE: AI6-June23 [Jacques] Determine whether Guidelines need to provide advice/examples and references to finer details within the Model

DONE:  AI1-June9: [Jacques] Revise the components on JIRA and add list of versions that can be used in the Applies Version and Fix Version pull-downs on JIRA.

AI2-June9: [Jacques] Create an issue on the Normative Source Structure and how we propose to simplify it.

DONE:  AI1-May25: [All] Review the direction taken in TA Model CD01-rev02 in preparation for approving the updated conformance section and the approach to providing semantics in the TA Model on the next call (tbd after June 8).

DONE:  AI2-May25: [Jacques] will upload a more-complete version of TAML showing the RelaxNG usage.

DONE:  AI3-May25: [Jacques] upload an update of the TA Model draft

DONE:  AI4-May25: [All] Look over Normative Source and RefSourceItems, TextSourceItems, DerivedSourceItems for Section 3, how semantics are placed, and how the changes are working before Jacques continues in a week.

DONE:  AI5-May25: [Jacques] Determine workable call time and date for the first call in June.

DONE:  AI1-May11: [Jacques] check with Patrick Curran about when his leave ends

DONE:  AI2-May11: *Done* [Jacques] create a standing "TAG Promotion" item in the agenda

DONE:  AI1-Apr27: [Dennis] to investigate "Compact" RelaxNG for our Markup syntax. [Jacques finds this tutorial:


[Dennis since found a compact form used in a W3C specification, adding it to TAG-4, http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/tag/201005/msg00014.html]

DONE:  AI2-Apr27: *Done* [Jacques] to check the JIRA page, possible re-configuration, add Dennis as authorized user.

DONE:  AI1-Mar30: [Jacques] follow-up with Dave P. on his comments, to make sure we address them correctly.

DONE:  AI3-Mar30: [Jacques] Contact W3C test team to remind them of PR, calling for comments.

DONE:  AI4-Mar30: [Kevin] Contact Oracle internally to confirm they know about the PR (folks who contacted him)

DONE:  AI5-Mar30: [Dennis] Investigate RDF possible representation for the TA Model. (ontologies / OWL?)

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