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tax-xbrl-liaison message

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Subject: RE: [tax-xbrl-liaison] Meeting Announcement

I can attend (for 30 minutes).

Walter Hamscher | www.hamscher.com | At-large Vice Chair, XBRL International
| Consultant to PricewaterhouseCoopers

-----Original Message-----
From: Sylvia Webb [mailto:swebb@gefeg.com] 
Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 1:05 AM
To: tax-xbrl-liaison@lists.oasis-open.org
Cc: 'Harm-Jan van Burg'
Subject: [tax-xbrl-liaison] Meeting Announcement

The next schedule meeting will be held on:
Date: December 8, 2004
Time: 16:00 ET
This will be a special session to demonstrate how to develop UBL messages.
WebEx type software provided by GEFEG will be used. The software called
NetViewer does not need to be installed on your PC.  
Attendees should have Internet Explorer version 5.x or higher available.
Access instructions will be provided to all who RSVP that they plan to
attend. A high speed network connection to the internet is best but not
Please RSVP if you plan to attend this session.
Sylvia Webb

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