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Subject: Fw: IRS Software Developer's OASIS Group Rooms

Title: Fw: IRS Software Developer's OASIS Group Rooms

If you would like to make your reservation now, here's the info on how to do so.  More to come shortly about the TC block of rooms.

Susan Smoter,  Executive Director Internet Development Services, IRS

-----Original Message-----
From: Landvogt, Lindsay <Lindsay.Landvogt@marriott.com>
To: Peterson Doug E
CC: Smoter Susan; Mayne Meta D; Montero Frank L
Sent: Thu Apr 12 17:51:00 2007
Subject: RE: IRS Software Developer's OASIS Group

Good Afternoon Doug,

I hope you have a great three day weekend!  I've confirmed with my Event Manager and Director of Reservations.  Until we receive the addendum to the Purchase Order, attendees for your program can call and make reservations with the IRS Software Developer's program - once the room block for OASIS opens, then the attendees will need to call back and will be able to switch their reservation to your block which will be from Sunday, June 10 - Thursday, June 14.

Have a great weekend!

Lindsay Landvogt
Sales Manager
lindsay.landvogt@marriott.com <http://mm1.lettermark.net/marriotteastern/card/PYBW_3.map

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Peterson Doug E [mailto:Doug.E.Peterson@irs.gov]
        Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 4:26 PM
        To: Landvogt, Lindsay
        Cc: Smoter Susan; Mayne Meta D; Montero Frank L
        Subject: IRS Software Developer's OASIS Group

        Lindsay - As I mentioned, I will be out of the office Friday.  If you get an answer on Friday to how our folks can book rooms for the 4-day period (Sun thru Wed), can you let Susan Smoter know so that she can forward the info to our people?

        I will be back in the office Monday.


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