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Subject: RE: [tgf] Preparation for Tuesday's Editorial meeting



Apologies once again that I can’t make the call later today.  As we discussed last week, if folks on the call are happy to proceed on this basis then fine, let’s charge on, and put me down for doing some of the drafting work.  If however there are reservations then I will need you to present some alternative options to the next TC meeting for agreement on the way forward please.


We can talk tomorrow if you wish.




From: Peter F Brown [mailto:peter@peterfbrown.com]
Sent: 04 April 2011 03:15
To: tgf@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [tgf] Preparation for Tuesday's Editorial neeting


Dear all:

In preparation for Tuesday’s meeting, can I ask you to take a look at my note on ‘Pattern Languages’:

http://peterfbrown.com/patternlanguages.aspx, in particular pages 5-7.

At the beginning of the meeting, I’d like to give you all an opportunity to question and discuss the proposed approach based on that paper.

The next steps would then be to:

-          Examine and discuss the attached rough hierarchy of patterns that I’ve extracted from a first examination of the Primer (not readily printable, given the format);

-          Agree an initial set of ‘patterns’ based on that list;

-          Tomorrow I will finish the Proof of Concept with a dozen patterns drafted using the ‘standard’ pattern format and post those for comment and which could serve as a starting template for others.

If there is consensus that we can move forward using this paradigm, we can start the formal process of creating an OASIS “Standards Track” deliverable (the first step towards creating a TGF standard), and then discuss a possible distribution of work based on volunteers offering each to draft maybe a dozen patterns using a common methodology, and which I would then validate.

An ambitious target would be to have a complete first draft ready for discussion at the next full TC meeting.


All the best and talk Tuesday,



Peter F Brown

Independent Consultant

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