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There is already such a LinkedIn Group:



Is this a new one? Can they be merged?


Peter F Brown

Independent Consultant


P.O. Box 49719, Los Angeles, CA 90049, USA

Tel: +1.310.694.2278


From: tgf@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:tgf@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of David Webber
Sent: Friday, 17 February, 2012 10:22
To: johnaborras@yahoo.co.uk
Cc: tgf@lists.oasis-open.org




It suddenly occurred to me that part of the solution is in our own hands in terms of creating and disseminating articles and materials.


So I created a LinkedIn group to help coordinate outreach, events and knowledge transfer more broadly.


Please feel free to join!


Thanks, DW

----- Original Message -----
From: johnaborras@yahoo.co.uk
To: tgf@lists.oasis-open.org
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 11:18:50 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern

I’m sorry we didn’t have the time to discuss this on our call yesterday and I’ll ensure we make time for it on the next call.  In the meantime it would be good to get some views from you on how to go about meeting these issues.   And just to remind you we did agree on our previous call that the priority at this stage should be on outreach rather than on producing further products, so dealing with these comments now is very timely. 


For the last point about clearer objectives, as I said on the call if the person who made that comment would like to elaborate on it either with the whole TC or just with me, then we can hopefully work out a solution to the problem.  It doesn’t sound like it’s a real showstopper, perhaps just more explanation required in some of our documentation.


The first and second points I think are closely related and we should be able to tackle both through the same solution.  Now that we have base-lined versions of the Primer and the Pattern Language, plus the emerging Policy Products document, we are in a much better position to reach out and sell the messages.  A quick and easy way is to host a Webinar or series of Webinars.  OASIS does a lot of these and generally they go down well albeit only attracting small audiences.  So I propose that  we do one or more of those but do not rely on it as the only solution to the problems.  We need to supplement the webinars with other events, such as the breakfast session we held in Brussels last year.  But of course that sort of event will cost money and again any one event will only reach a relatively small audience in any particular region, unless we can run a series of them in different parts of the world.


Another angle we could try is working with other Organisations to promote our message, like we are doing with ERIS@ here in Europe.  Perhaps a follow up to the launch event we held with the World Bank might be something we could attempt.  


We have tried a number of times to get papers or articles published with no real success so I do not feel we should put too much effort into that route in future.


To take any of this forward we will need a few volunteers to help prepare the outreach material, host some of the events and use their communication networks  to help promote our activities. Whilst OASIS has a very good communications network, it does not necessarily have access to our target audience of senior bodies in Government organisations and consultancy houses.   Can I hear from any of you who are willing and able to assist with any of this and also any other ideas that you think we should pursue.   It would be good if we could put together a package for approval on the next TC call.




From: John Borras [mailto:johnaborras@yahoo.co.uk]
Sent: 10 February 2012 10:04
To: 'TGF TC List'


I have just received the results of the recent TC Satisfaction Survey for our TC and thanks to those of you who took time to respond.  There are some comments made in the survey that I would like to follow up on during our next TC call so perhaps you could give it some thought beforehand.


-          “Engage in more educational and promotional activities, such as webinars and seminars”

-          “Encourage broader participation”

-          “Develop clearer objectives for the work products”


I would stress that this is not a witch hunt by me for those who have made the comments, I’m just trying to use them as positive inputs to the future work of the TC.




John Borras


Chair OASIS TGF Technical Committee


m. +(0)44 7976 157745

Skype:  gov3john




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