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Subject: Fw: SLG and TGF Collaboration

Please see the proposed communication attached from the Smart Lean Government team.  I'd welcome any thoughts on this as soon as possible please. 
To me it looks to be very constructive and highlights the important role TGF has in the development of the SLG model, particularly their adoption of our conformance clauses.
More information about their work is available here - http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20131112006740/en/ACT-IAC-Releases-Smart-Lean-Government-Practical-Guide#.Uy_0RqZFDMw

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Wilson, Peter" <Peter.Wilson@icfi.com>
To: "johnaborras@yahoo.co.uk" <johnaborras@yahoo.co.uk>
Cc: "Michael Dunham (mike.dunham@casewise.com)" <mike.dunham@casewise.com>; "Mccullough, Thomas E" <thomas.e.mccullough@lmco.com>
Sent: Friday, 21 March 2014, 20:56
Subject: SLG and TGF Collaboration

I hope that this email finds you well.
As promised, I have attached a document that proposes shared goals and principles that we can use to orient our collaborative efforts moving forward. I foresee significant opportunities for us to harmonize and communicate these ideas (SLG and TGF) to great effect across a variety of interest communities.
I look forward to your thoughts about the proposed approach and working with your project teams in the future.
Best regards,
Peter Wilson PMP, ITIL | Technical Director | 703.934.3544 (o) | peter.wilson@icfi.com | icfi.com
ICF INTERNATIONAL | 9300 Lee Highway, Fairfax, VA 22031 | 571.287.1133 (m)
Connect with us on social media.

Attachment: Draft of OASIS-ACTIAC relationship 3-21.docx
Description: Draft of OASIS-ACTIAC relationship 3-21.docx

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