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Subject: [tm-pubsubj] April 30 conference call number

The call-in number for tomorrow conference call is:

33 1 46 17 36 63

This number is available from 15.00 to 17.00 UTC for 10 participants.

I remind you that the call-in cost is at the charge of each participant.

Holger has already notified me he will be absent. If other folks are unable to
participate, please notify me ASAP, so that we don't pay for absent people (the cost for
Mondeca per participant is 23 Euros - about $20). The deadline for reducing the number of
participants is one hour before the co-call.

I remember Ontopians used to call through the same line. Would Lars Marius and Steve
confirm that ?

Thanks for your attention. I'm in the process of figuring an agenda, and will try to post
it later on today.


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