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Subject: Re: [tosca-interop] some questions about the demo

Hi Chin,

Thomas is the expert on the CSAR file as he created it, but I will attempt to answer based upon what I know and what I see in the actual SugarCRM CSAR file (ZIP) uploaded to the TOSCA Interop SC here:

1.       How is the Tosca container connect to the VM instance? Just by ssh, or the other method? If by ssh, what’s the username and password will be used?

It appears that most of the scripts assume that they are being run within the instance itself.  In that way, they are able to be run immediately after the VM is created by the orchestration engine.

2.       Have the Mysql and Apache already integrated in the VM images and only to config them? Or VM images just provide the pure OS, the Mysql and Apache will be installed through Tosca CSAR file? What is the account name and password for the mysql? I still suggest to use the same VM images for the demo. It could reduce many problems.

Looking at the scripts,  it appears that they assume that the operating system (as part of the VM, which is named "VmApache_os" in the "SugarCRM-Defintions.xml" file) already has the Apache and MySQL software available.  The "install.sh" scripts for Apache ("httpd") and MySQL ("mysqld") both use the "chkconfig" utility to configure and have them "autostart" as services when the VM itself is started.  The chkconfig utility is assumed to be present on many Linux distros. and is commonly used for this purpose.

I would ask Thomas or Derek to describe how userid/passwords are managed in the actual CSAR file we used for interop.  For initial development and testing, I would recommend using whatever userid/password you may need (and likely it is the admin password for the operating system image of the VM).

 3.       In the discussion, I remember that there is a import and export process. Is it means that the demo will use the company A ‘s tool to generate the CSAR file and use company B ‘s runtime environment to deploy it with that CSAR file? We worried that the used different CSAR may cause some problems, so we suggest that: The CSAR file generate by the tools should be provide as soon as possible for the other company to test their deploy demo;

Yes, the "story" will be as you have outlined.  Using your example, Company A will be Vnomic which will effectively create the ZIP of the CSAR file (in this interop this will be equivalent / completely identical to the "SugarCRM-20121022.zip" file uploaded to the TOSCA Interop. SC, but it would actually contain the SugarCRM software ZIP file.    As in the Pulse demo, Vnomic would export (or "upload") the ZIP to the IBM ISM Cloud Marketplace where Company B (or Company C, D, etc.) would be able to download it from and "import" it into their tools or deploy to their cloud (runtime).

I hope this helps.  Anyone feel free to correct me if I am wrong in any of these answers.

Kind regards,

From:        "Qinjin (Chin)" <chin.qinjin@huawei.com>
To:        "tosca-interop@lists.oasis-open.org" <tosca-interop@lists.oasis-open.org>
Cc:        Matt Rutkowski/Austin/IBM@IBMUS, Thomas Spatzier <thomas.spatzier@de.ibm.com>
Date:        07/16/2013 02:01 AM
Subject:        [tosca-interop] some questions about the demo
Sent by:        <tosca-interop@lists.oasis-open.org>

Hi all
         As Huawei want to show the process of the deployment. It means that the demo will use the CSAR file directly.  So there are some questions need to clarify:
1.       How is the Tosca container connect to the VM instance? Just by ssh, or the other method? If by ssh, what’s the username and password will be used?
2.       Have the Mysql and Apache already integrated in the VM images and only to config them? Or VM images just provide the pure OS, the Mysql and Apache will be installed through Tosca CSAR file? What is the account name and password for the mysql? I still suggest to use the same VM images for the demo. It could reduce many problems.
3.       In the discussion, I remember that there is a import and export process. Is it means that the demo will use the company A ‘s tool to generate the CSAR file and use company B ‘s runtime environment to deploy it with that CSAR file? We worried that the used different CSAR may cause some problems, so we suggest that: The CSAR file generate by the tools should be provide as soon as possible for the other company to test their deploy demo;
Best Regards
Jin Qin

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