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Subject: 2015-01-12 Interop. SC Mtg Minutes - updated

Additional attendees:  Peter, Luc, Shitao


Attendees: Paul, Richard, Derek, John, Juurgen, Karsten, Matt

- Matt: indicated OSCON 2015 is still target event. Paul working with OASIS staff to see if OSCON woul accept us.
- Matt: notes: OSCON call for speakers/proposals is Feb 2, 2015 (2015-02-02)
- Paul: indicates he has had comm. with OASIS staff and would continue to work with them
- Matt: Shows OSCON tracks includes architecture, scale, etc.  but no reference to "orchestration", "portability", or "interop" (John added that missing term).  So there is a concern where we would fit.
- Paul: indicated we could adapt our pitch/demo etc. regardless of what track we were placed in
- Matt: also concerned OSCON acronym includes "open source" and although we have many companies working in OpenStack, we would need messaging to describe how it worked with other proprietary solutions or other open source (Docker a one)
- Richard: provided excellent sugg. to position TOSCA as evolving form many companies doing proprietary trying to create a portability standard to one that is more closely tied to and working with open source.
- Paul/Matt like this idea, Matt indicates we should not message "propietary" but use "differing impls."
- Karsten agreed that the TM&E group would help us to create the proper messaging and include what needs to be done to position Docker.
- John asked for success stories that might apply to defense/federal.  Matt indicated we had nothing we have attempted to uphold as a milestone other than the past interops.  However, we do have several OpenStack demos (videos) and we are working on more use cases (in a continual DevOps fashion) and make them available as the code supports them.
- Richard also indicated that there are 2 methodologies/approaches we should consider describing for how companies adopt open soruce from a proprietary start.  One being an (direct) API mapping, the other being a mediation layer (like OpenStack) with the latter being more forward thinking.
- Matt indicated he believes we need more concrete spec. work on docker before we can consider discussing at OSCON (or other places) which go beyond the whitepaper and need to assure the ad-hoc is up to this.
- Matt: should be agnostic of Docker framework and focus on how to model container (port) virtualization and placement (affinity)
- Derek indicates the container group may be winding down and need to be revitalize.
- Karsten again agrees the TM&E group needs to figure out what the "market" needs that allows us to talk more technically to the OSCON audience and not just the CxO level of discussion.
- Adjourn

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