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Subject: SoapHub dump -- RE: [trust-el] Groups - Event "Weekly TC meeting" modified

FYI. SoapHub dump from today's telecon. Perhaps useful to add to the end of the minutes.



anonymous morphed into don thibeau oix
abbie barbir (Canada): hi on the chat room and on mute on the call bad connection with skype
anonymous1 morphed into Shaheen Abdul Jabbar
anonymous morphed into Massimiliano Masi
abbie barbir (Canada): all please mention that we have a chat room
Massimiliano Masi morphed into Massimiliano Masi (Tiani Spirit)
abbie barbir (Canada): great to have tom volunteer
abbie barbir (Canada): we quckly need a scope of the document and a call for contributions to it
anonymous morphed into Kevin Mangold (NIST)
abbie barbir (Canada): one thing to worry about is how would this relate to funded work from IDTrust
abbie barbir (Canada): me 2 i will work also
Thomas Hardjono (MIT): Hows this for the test of the motion:  Motion to request the creation of an electronic ballot for 7 days with the following words:
abbie barbir (Canada): shaheen this is great
Shaheen Abdul Jabbar: happy to give back
anonymous3 morphed into Jaap Kuipers
abbie barbir (Canada): we already have editors
abbie barbir (Canada): we can start moving the work forward
abbie barbir (Canada): our editors are peter, mary , tom and shaheen
Peter Alterman: The Trust Elevation TC requests resources from the IDTrust Steering Committee to perform a baseline survey to compile a comprehensive list of methods being used currently to authenticate identities online to the degree necessary to transact business where material amounts of economic value or personally identifiable data are involved.
anonymous4 morphed into Rebecca Nielsen
anonymous morphed into Ivonne Thomas
anonymous5 morphed into a Might Morphin` Power Ranger!
anonymous3 morphed into Dale Rickards (VzB)
abbie barbir (Canada): i do second
Jaap Kuipers: i second
abbie barbir (Canada): yes
abbie barbir (Canada): in favour
Kevin Mangold (NIST): in favor
Peter Alterman: yes
anonymous2: Yes
Rebecca Nielsen: Yes
Shaheen Abdul Jabbar: Yes
Dale Rickards (VzB): yes
Ivonne Thomas: yes
Jaap Kuipers morphed into Jaap Kuipers Amsterdam
Kevin Mangold (NIST): for those listed as anonymous, say your name too so it can be accurately recorded 
Massimiliano Masi (Tiani Spirit): yes
abbie barbir (Canada): need to open the floor for motion discussion before we vote
abbie barbir (Canada): i did send it to the tc list
anonymous morphed into Ed Coyne
abbie barbir (Canada): i do second the ammended motion
abbie barbir (Canada): well we can define the scope on the list
anonymous morphed into Marty Schleiff
anonymous: Shahrokh Shahidzadeh (Intel Corp): Yes
anonymous morphed into Shahrokh S-Intel
Shahrokh S-Intel: BTW Does such study already exist from other TCs in some form or shape,
anonymous5 morphed into Ed Coyne
Jaap Kuipers Amsterdam: no loa, authentication tools, protocols, projects?, vetting, relation to access management, research documents already available, standards, life examples
Kevin Mangold (NIST) asked for a victim, I choose... anonymous3
AnilSaldhana(RedHat): I joined the call late, for the roll
AnilSaldhana(RedHat): negative vote only affects perception
AnilSaldhana(RedHat): on the vote. has no major standing if there is quorum
AnilSaldhana(RedHat): will get the link
AnilSaldhana(RedHat): http://www.oasis-open.org/resources/tc-admin-requests


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