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Subject: Minutes from October 31 call


Minutes for the meeting of the Electronic Identity Credential Trust Elevation Methods (Trust Elevation) Technical Committee

October 31, 2013.

1. Call to Order and Welcome.


2. Roll Call



Attending (please notify me if you attended the meeting but are not on the list below)


Abbie Barbir, Bank of America  - y

Anil Saldhana, Red Hat  

Bob Sunday

Brendan Peter, CA

Carl Mattocks, Bofa 

Cathy Tilton, Daon 

Charline Duccans, DHS

Duane DeCouteau

Colin Wallis, New Zealand Government 

Dale Rickards, Verizon Business 

David Brossard, Axiomatics 

Dazza Greenwood 

Debbie Bucci, NIH 

Deborah Steckroth, RouteOne LLC

Detlef Huehnlein, Federal Office for Information

Diana Proud-Madruga - y

Diego Matute, Centrify

Don Thibeau, Open Identity Exchange  - y  

Doron Cohen, SafeNet

Doron Grinstein, BiTKOO

Gershon Janssen 

Ivonne Thomas, Hasso Plattner Institute

Jaap Kuipers, Amsterdam  

James Clark – Oasis

Jeff Broburg, CA

John Bradley 

John "Mike" Davis, Veteran's Affairs 

John Walsh, Sypris Electronics

Jonas Hogberg

Julian Hamersley, Adv Micro Devices

Kevin Mangold, NIST 

Lucy Lynch  ISOC

Marcus Streets, Thales e-Security

Marty Schleiff, The Boeing Company

Mary Ruddy, Identity Commons  - y

Massimiliano Masi, Tiani "Spirit" GmbH 

Mike Harrop

Mohammad Jafari, ESC  - y

Peter Alterman, SAFE-BioPharma - y 

Rainer Hoerbe -

Rebecca Nielsen, Booz Allen Hamilton - y

Rich Furr

Ronald Perez, Advanced Micro Devices

Scott Fitch Lockeed Martin

Shaheen Abdul Jabbar, JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. - y  

Shahrokh Shahidzadeh (Intel Corp  - y

Suzanne Gonzales-Webb, VA  

Tony Rutkowski

Tony Nadlin

Thomas Hardjono, M.I.T.  

William Barnhill, Booz Allen Hamilton

Adrianne James, VA 

Patrick, Axiomatics

Steve Olshansky  - y


60 percent of the voting members were present at the meeting.  We did have quorum.



2. Agenda review and approval


We used the following chat room for the call: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/trust-el   chat room text is included at the end of the minutes.


The agenda was approved.


3. Approval of the Minutes


Mary asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting on October 17, 2013.

Peter made a motion to approve the October 17rd minutes.

Abbie seconded the motion.

There were no objections.

The minutes were approved. 



4.  Editors Update.


Abbie commented that he received feedback that people are expecting a protocol from the TC. He asked Peter for his opinion.


Peter replied we have been getting a modest amount of feedback on the draft third deliverable. One of the most significant ones we got that there is an unfulfilled expectation that we had inadvertently set. The charter used the world protocol, and people were taking an alternative expectation.  Some expected that we would not only do the analysis piece, but also go on to do a protocol. So I think that is something we should probably do. I think we should make it the fourth deliverable. I think we want to close the door on the third deliverable and then move on to a 4th deliverable that is a set of protocols based on the previous work. I think we need to have Shahrokh and Shaheen lead this.  Shaheen did an initial draft on a protocol that didn’t fit into the third deliverable, but it is exactly the right thing.  The editors all agree that is needs to be it’s own document. He would like to nominate Shaheen to be the team lead.


Shaheen replied no problem.   (Duly noted.)


Peter asked for a vote.


Abbie made a motion that the TC will develop a protocol as a fourth deliverable, as stated in the charter.


Don seconded.


Abbie asked for any objections.


None heard.


Abbie concluded we have a commitment from the TC. We need volunteers for 4th deliverable.


Abbie handed the meeting over to Steve to discuss finalizing the third deliverable.


Steve stated that the only changes in working draft 0.8 were the addition of two UK good practice guides on LOA. We also got some feedback from Shahrokh today that is not yet incorporated, as well as an additional suggestion from Peter. Steve will fold these into 0.9 and post it by Nov 1st.  At that time we will work with OASIS to go thru the format approval process.


Peter seconded the plan.


Steve continued.  One question arose. We are getting feedback in dribs and drabs. The question is what to do with feedback received in the two week period.  If we incorporate it, do we need to do another last call?


Abbie asked are you suggesting something to improve efficiency.


Steve replied I’m suggesting that the editors review any feedback we receive in the next two weeks and then make a call.


Abbie asked have we had the last call on deliverable 3?


Peter said yes. Then we got these other things. Do we want to do a[nother] last call on version 9?


Abbie replied if the changes are considered technical we have to go with a last call regardless of how minor.  So let’s do a last, last call with 0.9. Then we are done.  Let’s get Chet involved from now. I think deliverable 3 needs to go all the way to a specification, otherwise no one will reference it. These tables need to be able to be referenced, and I think they need to be taken to the ITU-T as a supplement to the x.1254. It continues the story.


Peter replied OK.


Abbie ….


Steve summarized we are going to start a two week last call with working draft  0.9 as of Nov 1, based on input received during this period, the editors will determine what to do.  Abbie we can review the comments in the next TC call.  Steve asked should one of the chairs note this is the last call?


Abbie asked Steve you can post this?  What else do we need to do for this deliverable on this call?


Steve replied nothing on my end.


Abbie said during our input period, Eve did suggest we look at UMA work and see if it is suitable for our Trust-el protocol.  Maybe we should ask Eve to give us a summary at the next TC call.


Peter responded he would rather have her talk to the project team for the 4th deliverable before a talk to general meeting.


Abbe replied we can schedule her after we talk with her.


Shaheen can you take an action to determine when to ask Eve to talk to us?


Steve said maybe we can invite her to the editors call. 


Abbie replied Steve can do that.  If she can’t make the call, find out when she can.


Don said it may also be good to get Eve scheduled for the general call in December or January. Her new research on the bio diversity of identity systems is a nice companion piece to the work we are doing in the TC.


Abbie do we have any other action items.


Peter said we need to identify the victim.


Abbie said we need to have Shaheen and Shahrokh. 


Abbie said to Peter we need to ask OASIS for more support. We didn’t use our previous funding.


*** Action item on Don and Abbie to talk with Peter on how to get more funding for the TC.


Don suggested for planning purses, it would be nice if we could do this at RSA the last week of February, if we still wanted to have an in person session.


Abbie replied we will give it a try.  Abbie will not be there.


5. Attendance Update

We achieved quorum.


6. Adjournment

Peter made a motion to adjourn the call.

Shaheen seconded the motion.

The meeting was adjourned.


anonymous morphed into Mohammad Jafari (ESC)


anonymous1: good morning, shahrokh is here


anonymous1 morphed into shahrokh


shahrokh: mary i am still here

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