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Subject: Fwd: [ubl-clsc] Informal minutes from telecon 4th Feb 2004


  "a) SP raised the issue that we probably need to clarify to what extent, if
any, our work can influence the UBL 1.0 schema production. AH agreed and
reported that lcsc decided on their 3rd Feb call to use the same code list
methodology as for beta
albeit the content will be reviewed and amended
where necessary. It was agreed that SP should write a draft statement and
circulate this in the first instance to the co-chairs."

If the work of the CLSC is not being considered for UBL 1.0, what is the avenue for it's inclusion?

Will this topic be carried forward to the UBL plenary later this month?

Has anyone seen a schedule for the UBL meeting Feb 23-27 at LMI in McLean, VA and will there be a meeting of the CLSC with the LCSC?  If you have the schedule, please forward it.

--Mark Palmer  (just an observer in CLSC)

From: "Sue Probert" <sue.probert@dial.pipex.com>
To: <ubl-clsc@lists.oasis-open.org>
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2004 21:52:36 -0000
Subject: [ubl-clsc] Informal minutes from telecon 4th Feb 2004

Dear all

As there were only three people for most of the call today I noted the
following informal minutes from today's call.

Sue Probert (chair)
Anne Hendry
Paul Spencer
Marty Burns (last half hour)

Ken Holman
Mavis Cournane
Michael Dill

1/ Review of Action List:
TC/MHC?: To send information to MD
MB: To modify document to cover agreed empty code list decision
PS: to provide his new requirements in a list to the CLSC list for
inclusion in the Requirements document

2/ Review of document status and timescales

3/ AOB


1/ There are three remaining editing tasks to complete the Requirements
a) MB has sent Word formatted version of the latest draft to TC and is
awaiting his edits. MB will ask TC when this will be available.
b) PS has sent his input to MB. MB to complete editing in these points asap.
c) SP raised whether the name datamodel in the context of our document could
be renamed metamodel to differentiate this from business data models. MB
proposed that some wording changes could be introduced to clarify this
difference. MB to propose changed text.

2/ MB will hopefully be able to complete the editing ready for internal
circulation of teh Requirements Section in time for it to be discussed and
hopefully approved on next week's call. The next stage following SC approval
will be to send this to the csc for eliciting comments from the other scs.

3/ AOB

a) SP raised the issue that we probably need to clarify to what extent, if
any, our work can influence the UBL 1.0 schema production. AH agreed and
reported that lcsc decided on their 3rd Feb call to use the same code list
methodology as for beta albeit the content will be reviewed and amended
where necessary. It was agreed that SP should write a draft statement and
circulate this in the first instance to the co-chairs.

b) SP, on behalf of CN, aske MB whether he had been able to follow up with
Mark Palmer with regards to input to the document. MB is to see MP tomorrow
and following that he agreed to update the group with the latest situation.



Mark E. Palmer
Building and Fire Research Laboratory
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8630
Gaithersburg, MD  20899

email: mark.palmer@nist.gov
tel: 301-975-5858
fax: 301-975-5433

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