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Subject: Code list paper comments

Most of my comments below are not significant but should help to clean 
things up.

Please see my comments on 4.5 Schema Location below for something that I 
feel very strongly about.

Thanks ... I hope these comments help!

.................... Ken

Document identifier: Working Draft 1.0 1 April 2004
Document file time stamp: 2004-04-09

(BTW, I'm trying to go over every line this time and I encourage all 
committee members to treat the document brand new and not just look for deltas)

- need to remember to change the document identifier when we send it to Jon 
for inclusion
- under "Status"
   - need to remember to remove the "This is a draft document" line
   - I think that maillist joining instructions should be removed (as they 
could easily change and are really out of scope to the nature of the paper)
   - I followed the link for the security TC and did not see an 
Intellectual Property Rights section ... is this an old cut/paste 
issue?  I'm thinking perhaps we should be pointing to 
http://www.oasis-open.org/who/intellectualproperty.php instead, but I don't 
know the details ... are there guidelines somewhere?  It doesn't sit well 
with me that the code list paper points to another subcommittee instead of 
an OASIS-wide page

- 1. Introduction
   - could highlight early on that portions of the paper marked "Future" 
are recorded for the consideration in future releases but anything marked 
as such should not be assumed to be made available at any time; I now see 
the discussion around line 143, but I don't think it suitably manages the 
expectations of the user nor describes the typographical convention of 
marking something in the spec as "Future"
   - okay, by the time I reach line 149 I see the discussion of "Future" 
... perhaps these last two paragraphs could be broken out into a subsection 
to give it more visibility to the reader
   - typos "extensible" and "initiatives"

- 2.2.2 - I'm not sure a euro is capitalized when it is referenced (though 
my own dictionaries are too old to tell me)

- 2.4.9 - "English"

- I don't think we are addressing R24/R25 yet ... should these be marked as 

- 3.3 line 386 - technically more accurate to say "in an element type's 
name" rather than say "in a tag name"

- line 497 type "XML Schema"

- 4.5 - I thought I'd raised issues about 4.5 Schema Location in the past 
... http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-clsc/200403/msg00005.html ... 
but I never followed up on the disposition of those issues ... can anyone 
point me to the disposition?  I really don't think we should be saying 
anything about schema location ... that is a deployment question, not a 
modelling question.  As it reads, we are mandating another organization to 
use a particular subdirectory path to point to a UBL-compatible code list 
... we are in *no* position to tell other people how to organize their 
subdirectories.  *All* of the import statements currently used in the 
schemas as delivered are, properly in my opinion, relative URI strings to 
point to a locally deployed set of schema files.  I still feel strongly 
that 4.5 should be totally removed.

- in the table at line 481 there are comments like "could be just ..." and 
"thank you - now I ..." and "prefer ..." that I think do not belong.

- I'm assuming the rest of 4.6, 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9 matches the schemas as 
produced (I don't have the time to check them over)

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G. Ken Holman                 mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com
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