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Subject: Public Comment

Comment from: ytlee@cecid.hku.hk

I attempted to send this message to ubl-isc-comment@lists.oasis-open.org but failed. So I sent this to this mailing list though it may not be proper. Sorry about this.
Dear UBL TC,

If I read the schema correctly, the UBL XSD doesn't intend to constrain 
the length of the string values (e.g. the length/max-length/min-length 
of the Text-CCT-based BIE). Is there any design philosophy behind this? 
EDI has defined different lengths such as 17, 35, 70, 210 characters. I 
understand the use of XML should give more flexibility than EDI. Yet for 
the practical reason of software implementation, such as validation 
against unintentional and intentional errors, we may need to set 
restrictions on the data lengths. Do you have any recommendation on this 

Thanks in advance for your advice.


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