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Subject: Re: [ubl-comment] Non-Backwards compatible change in UBL 2.3?

I've understood our commitment to backward compatibility to be that all schema-valid instances of previous versions of UBL be schema-valid instances of any given version of UBL.

The unqualified data type namespace as no role in a UBL instance. It is a housekeeping namespace used in the declaration of the elements whose namespaces are being preserved for backward compatibility.

To me, the housekeeping namespaces are fair game for change. But that is just my opinion and what I've recommended to the committee.

I thank you for your comment and with this response I acknowledge that the committee will look into your comment and come up with a formal committee stance on the issue. This is important to acknowledge in the documentation so to answer this same question from other astute observers.

Also, the documentation needs to be reviewed to ensure that the change is properly reflected.

Thanks, Philip!

. . . . . Ken

At 2020-10-05 09:16 +0200, Philip Helger wrote:
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="dTKQQeZ1F4jNdr9xW9wZQI8M0J972tp2x";
From: Philip Helger <philip@helger.com>
To: ubl-comment@lists.oasis-open.org
Message-ID: <de4a69f3-0162-8e34-a0d1-50f2c060ab65@helger.com>
Subject: Non-Backwards compatible change in UBL 2.3?

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Language: de-AT

Hello everyone,

I just stumbled upon an issue in UBL 2.3 where I am not 100% sure of
this is intential or not:

In UBL 2.1 the file "UBL-UnqualifiedDataTypes-2.1.xsd" use the target
(see the trailing "-2").

in UBL 2.3 the file seems to be replaced with
"BDNDR-UnqualifiedDataTypes-1.1.xsd" that uses the target namespace
(trailing "-1").

Is this change is namespae by purpose?

Thanks, Philip

Philip Helger
Philip Helger IT Consulting e.U.

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