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Subject: Re: [ubl-csc] Proposed Meeting Schedule

Title: Proposed Meeting Schedule
if you are thinking about an agenda for this first meeting, can i propose an item that eve and i have been discussing.  we initially discussed establishing a small "SWAT team" of NDR and LC members that would meet briefly every couple of weeks to discuss and resolve any impedance mismatches and ensure that each group gets its needs met by the other.

after some thought i suggest this may be a role for the CSC by acting as a forum for co-ordinating cross committee issues of a more technical nature.  The committee could invite interested parties to attend CSC meeting if necessary.  One example of such issues may be that the NDR group are realizing that their rules are relatively inaccessible to the less technical members of LC, and maybe even incomplete as far as their impact on modeling.  Another issue is the ongoing questions around the containership issue.  Can we put this on the agenda for the first meeting or maybe discuss it by email beforehand?

CRAWFORD, Mark wrote:


Since the 5 day comment period has passed, it is now time to establish a meeting schedule for the CSC.  Jon shared some observations on availability that I would like to restate to make sure they are correct -

"I think you'll generally want to stay close to the LSC meetings
just because the weeks in which we know well in advance not to
schedule LSC are probably also the weeks in which it would be bad
to schedule the CSC.  Tim McGrath can't do Tuesday or Thursday
mornings (8 a.m. my time, I believe) because he already has LC SC
meetings schedule for then.  This may leave only Wednesdays,
unless Mondays are particularly good for you.

Tim is unavailable between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. California time, and
I'm unavailable before 8 a.m. California time, so that pretty much
puts it at 8 or 9 a.m., and the former would allow more time for
freewheeling discussions to run over."

Since The NDR group meets on Wednesday's, this leaves only Monday.  As such, using the forgoing, and assuming that once a month teleconferences are sufficient as a starting point, I propose the following schedule:

8 July
29 July
26 August
23 September

All calls would be at 8am California Time. Please let me know if this is agreeable.  Following Jon's practice, I will assume that a lack of response indicates concurrence.


tim mcgrath
fremantle  western australia 6160
phone: +618 93352228  fax: +618 93352142 

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