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Subject: Re: [ubl-csc] requirements for cc code list type from office of E-Envoy

No, not yet.  -A

CRAWFORD, Mark wrote:

>Did anyone ever respond to you on this?
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Anne Hendry [mailto:anne.hendry@sun.com]
>>Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 3:43 AM
>>To: ubl-csc@lists.oasis-open.org
>>Subject: [ubl-csc] requirements for cc code list type from office of
>>Do you remember reviewing in Montral the code list proposal 
>>from the UK 
>>Office of the eEnvoy?  Paul Spencer has brought their 
>>document to CLSC, 
>>and in reviewing  their requirements again we came across a couple of 
>>items that indicate a possible lack in the CC Code List type.  I've 
>>attached the email he sent after the meeting that highlighted the 
>>requirements we felt needed further deliberation.  
>>Specifically for CCT, 
>>though, there are two items that we think may require a 
>>change to the cc 
>>code list type.  Drawing from his attached list, they are:
>>a) under 'Versioning', the ability to say how long the code list is 
>>valid.  This would require a date (which is in the cctype), 
>>but also a 
>>duration, which is not.
>>b) under 'Must be able to carry both a code and (optional) 
>>value in the 
>>message".   I only see a place to carry the code in the cc code list 
>>type (code.content), not any place for an additional 
>>descriptive content 
>>to be delivered along with the code(content).
>>Who would be the best person/group to further review this (don't say 
>>clsc, becuase this is where it came from! ;))?
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