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Subject: UBL Lite Order Response and (when available in UBL) Credit Note

Just to say I'm seriously considering the need to add an Order Response and a Credit Note
document to UBL Lite profile (currently it just has Order and Invoice).

The Credit Note is yet to be added to UBL so it's too early for that but I believe it would
be suitable for a small scale implementaion of UBL (indispensable perhaps) when possible.

With website ordering being so common now I think the need to have the online order
followed up with an order response (more than the simple order response) is quite 
strong enough for a UBL Lite version so that small and medium sized businesses can
update back-office systems with the details of the order. Theoretically the order document
in UBL Lite could be used but this doesn't seem quite right since a response to an order
is fundamentally an order response. (In theory the website order could be considered as, I think,
an 'invitation to treat' and the response document could then be an 'order' but this is a little
too counterintuitive perhaps for any sort of simple, top-down BPSS).

I'd also quite like to create a simple BPSS document and perhaps an example CPPA for
help in using UBL with the Lite profile/subset. This would help in the use of ebMS message
soap headers in e-mails and so perhaps encourage the use of ebMS and enable better
routing of messages and perhaps reliable messaging too.

The problem, however, would be where to store these artifacts since BPSS/CPPA requires
persistant urls. **Here is a cry for help to UBL TC really** - for the location for the potential
profile specs and related specs somewhere on 'Kavi' which can be accessed with xlink 
addresses, etc. A usable urn would be nice too but that might be pushing it :-)

To create further document profiles besides the two (order and invoice) I think I'll have to
have a separate 'reusable' spreadsheet / profile for each document since each document
would then be able to restrict the common ABIEs in different ways (e.g. an order would use
a different subset of the Delivery ABIE to an invoice - different DeliveryDate BBIEs used, etc).

All this could be part of a 0.3 version.

Any comments? (For background information please see previous messages for Sept and
August in the ubl-dev archive).

All the best

Stephen Green

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