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Subject: Re: [ubl-dev] Neighbourly Implementation of UBL


What we are urgently missing is an automated way of sharing the
conformance rules to meet a minimum use profile.

The OASIS jCAM toolset - as demonstrated in the XML2004
Interop - and as per the available source code:


provides you with the foundation for achieving this - by creating
XML CAM templates that contain those context driven rules.

Then implementers have not only a clear roadmap - but also
the ability to test their UBL formats live online against the default
rules.  The rules can be in a registry, or just a simple file system URL.

This was all demonstrated in the Interop - see Slide #34 for
links to the interactive templates and web forms used.

With these in hand it is easy for people to self-provision into
a UBL community.

I am happy to work with anyone requiring assistance in creating
UBL CAM templates - and the existing examples from Interop
give plenty of easy to follow samples to start from.

Thanks, DW

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Stephen Green" <stephen_green@bristol-city.gov.uk>
To: <ubl-dev@lists.oasis-open.org>
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 5:34 AM
Subject: [ubl-dev] Neighbourly Implementation of UBL

Greetings UBL-DEV

I'd like to propose a ubl-dev set of rules for the Neighbourly
Implementation of UBL (NIU Rules, say).
I'd also like to propose the first (even if the only) rule which comes in
two parts:
Implementers SHOULD implement at least the <<ubl lite>> profile and SHOULD
NOT require that applications receiving their UBL messages implement any
more than the <<ubl lite>> profile.
The 'ubl lite' is in brackets so that it MAY be substituted with a more
context-specific profile if necessary to a specified trading context.
Context modelers MAY then cosnider creating a 'lite' profile for their
particular context or specifying one which is already defined.

A potential mechanism to specify a profile might be the add metadata to a
specification or manifest with the code, say,
NIURule1    - which defaults the profile to ubl lite
NIURule1-<<profile>>  - where <<profile>> is the profile name or id
The mechanism is really just a suggestion.

All the best

Stephen Green

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