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Subject: UBL's role

Hi UBL Developers,


I’ve been thinking about the role of UBL in real implementations. I don’t have prior experience of a vocabulary based implementations thus excuse me if these are irrelevant issues from UBL’s viewpoint.


I see a UBL schema as a skeleton of a real business document as it doesn’t define any constraints (facets) to data types.

First I thought that one should derive own schemas (xsd aware ways through restriction/extension, facets) from UBL schemas to meet real business needs. I would describe this as a “high coupling” model where all business/context rules are contained in a single document schema (through namespace imports).  Of course, rule-based conditions should be satisfied by using some rule-based schema language, such as Schematron.


After reading (and hopefully understanding) the response which David RR Webber gave me a month ago (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-dev/200411/msg00017.html) I came to second thoughts:

The purpose of UBL schemas, vanilla + derived (industry/country spefic) schemas, is “only” to define the overall (superset) structure (skeleton) of business messages for certain needs. Business rules (flesh & blood) should be defined in separate schemas which are not necessarily constrained by UBL customization rules. (It’s enough that instance document is a valid UBL document.) Thus the solution which would satisfy the real business needs would consist of series of separate validations which could be reach by a combination of UBL vanilla + derived schemas + Schematron or by using validation frameworks such as CAM and DSDL. I would describe this as a “low coupling” model with series of separate filters (vanilla, industry, country, company, trading partner).

Hopefully my previous description was understandable and relevant. I would appreciate if someone could share his/her view of how to model these things. Links to good articles would be also very valuable.


Juha Ikävalko
TIEKE Tietoyhteiskunnan kehittämiskeskus ry
TIEKE Finnish Information Society Development Centre
Salomonkatu 17 A, 10th floor
FI-00100 Helsinki
Tel +358 9 4763 0410, Fax +358 9 4763 0399
@tieke.fi  http://www.tieke.fi


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