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Subject: RE: SV: [ubl-dev] Simple ODF/XForms (OOo2/SO8) for UBL 1.0 Invoice

Interesting enough - the project I'm leading for NIH here has just taken
the next step beyond this. 
Actually allowing the PDFs to be sent electronically directly - without
the paper in between - and using a blend of webservices and ebXML
Hermes to do this with - along with PureEdge forms for the submitters
(I'd have preferred XForms - but that part was not built by us). 
We then post-process the PDFs and load them into the existing internal
applications tracking system - eliminating the paper and the scanning
We've just processed about 9,000 submissions and generated 2,000 PDF
final images in the past 6 weeks. 

Cheers, DW

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: SV: [ubl-dev] Simple ODF/XForms (OOo2/SO8) for UBL 1.0 Invoice
From: Bryan Rasmussen <brs@itst.dk>
Date: Fri, December 23, 2005 5:56 am
To: 'Stephen Green' <stephen_green@seventhproject.co.uk>,

Actually the OCR idea sounds very close to the Danish setup. Companies
only have a certain amount of contact with the government per year can
their invoices to scanning agencies that then send them forward.

Bryan Rasmussen

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Stephen Green [mailto:stephen_green@seventhproject.co.uk]
Sendt: 23. december 2005 11:44
Til: ubl-dev@lists.oasis-open.org
Emne: Re: [ubl-dev] Simple ODF/XForms (OOo2/SO8) for UBL 1.0 Invoice 

Apologies folks, I found some errors in 
my work (not surprised, just dismayed). The
'readonly' spreadsheet isn't readonly, for a 
start, and it shouldn't include the currency
combo box. The other XML form has a
readonly combo box. No idea how all that
happened (I'll blame it on the gremlins :-)
Anyway, I'm getting into constraint problems
from higher so, though I'll try to send out
improved versions, I may have my time on
this curtailed - in which case it'll be up to
others to fix things if they wish to use them
or take them further. I hope there's enough
done to give the idea though. Having such
forms available to as many as possible
('bridging the digital divide' as much as
possible) would be nice though...

By the way, a crazy idea I had was that
if folk don't have email access (like myself
out of working hours) what if those who 
process invoices by scanning them were to
configure their OCR to read UBL (printed),
then folk could send printed UBL invoices
(etc) without the hassle of conversion to pdf
(if they've already a means to easily produce
UBL). Crazy?

All the best

Stephen Green
 ----- Original Message ----- 
 From: Stephen Green 
 To: ubl-dev@lists.oasis-open.org 
 Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 1:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [ubl-dev] Simple ODF/XForms (OOo2/SO8) for UBL 1.0 Invoice

 Please note that if you open these forms
 from the web archive they will need the
 filename extensions changing to .odt

 Also, if you have unix/linux you'll need to
 change the target filepath/url for the submission
 and the same change for the linked file of the
 readonly form. At present both point to
 file:///c:/invoice.xml so they could be changed
 to something like file:///home/invoice.xml (not
 quite sure if this is correct).

 It should be possible to create a simple UBL 1.0
 Invoice with one form (saved locally) then use
 the other form to read it (from where it is saved)
 and convert it to pdf (OpenOffice 2 and Star
 Office 8 have this facility). Then either or both
 as appropriate could be sent say by email (for
 micro/small businesses this might be OK - please
 don't blame me if it isn't) as attachments and/or
 imported somehow into a finance system or 
 spreadsheet (perhaps with an office product
 macro, say). Note that the first form, if used to
 directly create a pdf, will in OOo2/SO8, produce
 a form that can be edited before printing and this
 would be unacceptably risky for sending as an
 Invoice. Again, please accept that the use of the
 forms is at users own risk.

 All the best

 Stephen Green

 PS Really loved Juha's UBL greeting customisation!

 Peace and Goodwill to all -
 And y'all Love the Almighty back with all you've got!

   ----- Original Message ----- 
   From: Stephen Green 
   To: ubl-dev@lists.oasis-open.org 
   Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 7:07 PM
   Subject: [ubl-dev] Simple ODF/XForms (OOo2/SO8) for UBL 1.0 Invoice 


   Just in time for the holidays I've produced
   (for 'Open Source Academy' but anyone can 
   use them if you do so at your own risk) a
   couple of forms, one for input, the other for
   reading and exporting to PDF, to produce
   crude but possible useful UBL 1.0 invoices.
   They would probably suit a micro business
   and illustrate the ODF/XForms combination
   used in OpenOffice 2 and StarOffice 8.
   Please forgive the ultra-simplicity (there are
   just 10 lines and I couldn't yet find a way to
   not output lines when they are void of data).

   I'd welcome feedback so I can improve these
   (again as part of some open source work).

   I hope the archive can accept the attachments,
   sorry if this doesn't work - please ignore this
   email then and I'll try another way later.

   All the best and happy holidays.

   Stephen Green


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