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Subject: RE: [ubl-dev] Code List Value Validation



This is exactly the vision we've been following with CAM.   

You have the ability to reference the UID of codelists that reside in
the central reference registry. 

You store those codelists in a formal way - label them with the UID -
and now they are machine referencable. 

You have the ability to vary this by context - e.g. if (export_order)
... else .... 

You reference the CAM template as the mapping reference in your ebXML
CPA agreement - by message type. 

In the CAM template header you can explicitly set the Context variables
and their values relating to that CPA. 

In the CAM structure section you can reference the XSD structure
layout(s) that apply - and select those contextually if you need too -
using <includes> dynamically as needed. 

And if you are using the latest BPSS 2.0.3 - you can set context
variables at the business process level and pass those into the CAM
template too at runtime as needed. 

Thanks for connecting the dots!  ; -) 


 -------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: [ubl-dev] Code List Value Validation
From: stephen.green@tuxml.co.uk
Date: Mon, April 10, 2006 2:46 pm
To: ubl-dev@lists.oasis-open.org

Quoting Fulton Wilcox <fulton.wilcox@coltsnecksolutions.com>:

> The codelists we are discussing, such as country, currency, etc. involve
> "payload" data. Such payload data needs to survive UBL encapsulation and
> de-encapsulation in a fashion that aligns the behavior and content of the
> recipient's and the sender's internal systems. If that synchronization
> process experiences exceptions, there goes the ROI of UBL.

Good thinking indeed - to see UBL as part of the syncronisation

Wouldn't it help matters considerably to use the UBL codelist
methodology (which involves mutual agreement of a set of codelists
related to individual code types / document positions or 'contexts')
together with some way to include reference(s) to such agreement(s)
in an ebCPA or equivalent (and if that isn't possible with CPPA now
I hope it will be)? That way the whole state alignment/syncronisation
issue is resolved in the standard ebXML way.

All the best

Stephen Green

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