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Subject: RE: an iPod of ebXML

Stay tuned for more news on this shortly....
All new releases coming on downloads this summer include eBay-EZ from
that great band UBL-schemers and hot from his American Idol demise the
heavy rapper CPA is releasing a debut album with the MoU-gang from
With Microsoft and Google both claiming they are readying iRegistry
services to compete with upstart iKlaus that veteran ebXMLr Dr K
launched from his garage in the Bay Area using just a single iMac plus
30 ft of cable and a satellite dish from his local Radio Shack.
Dr K says his ooEDI format is 20 times more compressed than traditional
XML formats and allows downloaders to instantly query the telephone
records of anyone on the planet using a simple 6 digit code and a
monthly service from iKlaus.  Anxious fathers have made 20 million
downloads already in May to keep track of just who is calling their
teenage daughters cell phones.
Dr K dismissed talk of a Webby for his efforts saying "the NSA is
probably going to shut this all down once their court order clears the
Supreme Court".

 -------- Original Message --------
Subject: an iPod of ebXML
From: "Governor James" <jgovernor@redmonk.com>
Date: Fri, May 12, 2006 5:23 am
To: "David RR Webber (XML)" <david@drrw.info>, "Bill Chessman"
Cc: <ubl-dev@lists.oasis-open.org>, <EDI-L@yahoogroups.com>,
"Klaus-Dieter Naujok" <klaus@naujok.us>

So what with the Apple Mac/Microsoft meme, remixed with a "stalled"
ebXML I guess the obvious question is...

Who could build the iPod of ebXML?

Dean? Farrukh?

-----Original Message-----
From: David RR Webber (XML) [mailto:david@drrw.info] 
Sent: 11 May 2006 22:32
To: Bill Chessman
Cc: ubl-dev@lists.oasis-open.org; EDI-L@yahoogroups.com; Klaus-Dieter
Subject: RE: [ubl-dev] ebXML approval retrospective


I've just taken a few moments here to read Klaus's piece. 

Wow - even by Klaus's standards this is a dismal and self-deprecating

I'm here to tell everyone that the world of ebXML is nowhere near as
forgotten and 
doomed as Klaus would have you think - and that Klaus really is down on
when he should be reading more of the items on
and taking some credit for positive outcomes! 

Afterall noone ever said this was going to be easy!! 

I'd take issue with many of Klaus's assertions and his outlook. 

1) Turns out the big players DO have current ebXML support in their
products, Oracle, IBM ,Sun, BEA, SAP, Fujitsu, Sysbase, etc will all
sell you their solutions with ebXML support in them.  And Oracles' is
brand new - their iHub support for ebXML was released at end of 2005
(and its very good BTW as I've seen it close up).

2) He forgets that ebXML B2B remains the ONLY certified XML
interoperable solution out there - with more than a dozen vendors
completing the interoperability suite. 
3) There are industries that have standardized on ebXML - PIDX
(agro-chemical), HL7 healthcare, electrical power - and we see the
auto-industry also garnering the benefits of using ebMS too and growing
its use. 
4) There are large scale deployments - the whole of Norway is using
ebXML for healthcare insurance, and the NHS in UK is using it for
supplychain support.  So OK - in Klaus's self-deprecating stance -
these are just tiny little countries on the fringe of Europe that noone
pays much mind to. 
5) Governments really do appreciate the value of open public standards
and open public implementations.  While ebXML may not have gone in the
direction Klaus wanted for it - nevertheless it is healthy and primed
to be an important part of where the internet and eBusiness is going -
driven by the open source and open services revolution. 
6) ebXML registry for secure document storage (aka IHE/XDS) is about to
be THE solution - and ditto for ebXML Regsitry and semantic content
retrieval.  There is some serious momentum and sophisticated community
building behind this - and yes - this is exactly the sort of thing we
wanted registry to drive. 
7) The new OASIS BPSS work is ground breaking - and OASIS just approved
the BCM work - that is founded 
   from the original ebXML / CEFACT UMM concepts.  The ebXML solution
stack is changing the way people 
   approach engineering their solutions - and yes - this does take time
to seep into the IT conciousness. 
Klaus - come on man - GIVE ME A BREAK!  Just because noone is having a
huge party and lotsa Hollywood style bruhah does not mean you can sit
at your computer terminal and wail into your weak thin American beer,
or cheap Californian wine and depress us all!  Just because ebXML did
not do everything you thought it should you cannot ignore what your
child has achieved!  I feel like the prodigal son here - and Dad just
does not want to entertain anything good could have come of his
offspring once he left home and went off on his own.  

This is the new wave internet community world and we know better.  Grass
roots is more important than Redmondian brash PR. 
Get on board the new ebXML and enjoy!  We have an awful lot to be proud
of and much to thank you for - so quick raining on your own parade -
I'm not going to join you in wanting to suck on lemons when I can eat
cake and pizza and drink great English beer!! 
The best of ebXML is yet to come and we can be very proud of what we
have already accomplished and the foundations we have created... 
Remember when everyone trashed Apple as a crippled and broken spear and
Klaus was the only guy we knew who had an Apple Mac?!?   
Cheers, DW

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [ubl-dev] ebXML approval retrospective
From: "Bill Chessman" <bill.chessman@inovis.com>
Date: Thu, May 11, 2006 1:01 pm
To: <ubl-dev@lists.oasis-open.org>, <EDI-L@yahoogroups.com>


Anybody else notice that today, May 11, 2006, is the 5th anniversary of
the approval of the original ebXML project?  I see that the chairman of
the original project (Klaus-Dieter Naujok) has put up some retrospective
commentaries on his blog page at
http://www.klauskorner.com/MyBlog/MyBlog.html.  For those nostalgic
folks that participated, there's even a video from that closing approval

Still wondering where the story goes from here...

Best regards,

Bill Chessman


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