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Subject: UUID

Hi Developers,


I got a question what is the purpose of UUID in UBL documents? Definition says "A computer-generated universally unique identifier (UUID) for the Order instance". My conclusion: ID identifies the order on the business level and UUID identifies an order message instance on the technical level. Thus, if a seller is not able to receive the order message at the first attempt, a buyer sends a new order message with same ID but different UUID. Is this the right conclusion?




Juha Ikävalko

TIEKE Tietoyhteiskunnan kehittämiskeskus ry 
TIEKE Finnish Information Society Development Centre 
Salomonkatu 17 A, 10th floor FI-00100 Helsinki 
Tel +358 9 4763 0410 Fax +358 9 4763 0399 
juha.ikavalko@tieke.fi http://www.tieke.fi <http://www.tieke.fi> 


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