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Subject: Re: [ubl-dev] 'Opensource' XForms for UBL

Hi Stephen,

what Problem/Use Case do you intend to solve with the Forms and can  
you sketch an example that gives an impression what you have in mind?

This is somewhat related:

I am considering to use UBL in an integration project that builds  
upon Web architecture (as opposed to WS-* Web Services) with strong  
use of the Atom syndication format. To really bring UBL on the Web, a  
UBL mime type would be necessary (say application/ubl+xml) but so  
far, there is appearently no effort to do define one.

What is the groups general position towards a UBL mime type and would  
anybody be interested to participate?

(A UBL mime type would for example enable services to declare that  
they accept POST requests with UBL payload. Simply using a form 
+schema approach as XForms (in part) suggests isn't sufficient from a  
Web/interoperability POV).

Thanks for any feedback on this.


On Dec 21, 2006, at 3:40 PM, stephen.green@systml.co.uk wrote:

> Folks,
> I've had it in mind to start an opensource project (maybe sourceforge)
> to create XForms forms for UBL. I've a form which could be a starting
> point. It would be the first time I've tried such a project so it  
> could be
> a while before anything gets going but if anyone is interested and
> patient enough to keep an eye out for future announcements... or
> has ideas about it in general I'd be grateful to hear any feedback. I
> guess it could go a long way or just fizzle out but either way might
> produce something to help others trying to do something similar and
> provide for validation (or otherwise) of some of the proposals for
> UBL deployment (such as codelists and business rules, say). Of course
> it seems unusual to have a project like this for XForms but why not.
> I've seen such projects around to develope XSLT stylesheets. Plus a
> stylesheet to dynamically create the XForms from UBL artefacts  
> could be
> part of it too.
> Any thoughts?
> All the best and seasons greetings
> Stephen Green
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