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Subject: Re: [ubl-dev] looking for practical examples

Hi Alexander

I wrote a subset of the Catalogue document you might find interesting.
It is GPL 2 but I could convert it for you if need be. It is part of the
sourceforge xforms4ubl project - dormant now. It includes an XForm
for the Catalogue

project site:

The subset is defined (pre-alpha only I'm afraid due to lack of
feedback) in a set of schemas in the SVN code repository.


Of course it is stretching things a bit putting schemas into sourceforge.

You can see what I decided was appropriate as a usable and useful
subset of the UBL 2.0 Catalogue document. I based it on a discussion
on this list about price lists as a subset of the UBL 2.0 Catalogue
when someone asked about this for another open source project.

If you are serious about how the Catalogue is used in e-procurement then
you might prefer to look for a better supported subset. Perhaps you are
interested in what the Northern European Subset (NES) written by government
and other consultants for use in, yes you've guessed it, Northern Europe
(but probably suitable for a wider audience) have done to subset the UBL
2.0 Catalogue and make sense of it and the related documents.
A subset is typically termed a 'customisation' and the corresponding 'making
sense of' the use of the subset called a 'profile' in the UBL domain. You are
likely to be interested in UBL profiles like NES. The pedigree was very good
and quite thorough to produce the NES one (I say so of course because I feel
I was includded in the analysis in the early days of it when the UK gov was
promoting UBL use and did lots of gathering of requirements across the UK
public sector and later EU public sector when EU consultants did similar work).
The Danish gov has perhaps the archetypal take on the catalogue documents
so their customisation might be quite definitive (see OIOUBL).
Even if Denmark seems a smallish audience (sorry Denmark), its importance
for UBL 2.0 is something of a reference implementation in terms of the use of
the documents (I wouldn't say so about the messaging technology though but
that's because I like ebXML and they use a more WSDL/document exchange
approach - but that's just me being controversial :-). They are making
(last time
I heard) UBL a legal requirement for some aspect of public sector e-procurement
so their profiles have to live up to that 'high profile' (forgive the pun).

I best let others have a go answering this and leave off for now.

All the best and good luck. More specific questions welcome as you progress.

- Steve

Stephen D. Green

Document Engineering Services Ltd

http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=matthew+22:37 .. and voice

2009/2/9 Alexander Whillas <whillas@gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> I joined this list as I'm thinking of using UBL 2.0 to do
> importing/exporting interface to the popular ecommerce software
> Ubercart (www.ubercart.org) and was hoping to find some examples of
> how to use UBL for a catalog import (to begin with). UBL does seem to
> be huge and a little scary to be frank.
> i need the basics for doing stock tracking updates and perhaps fill in
> a product catalog (with products [ item?] having 2 attributes such as
> 'size' and 'colour'). Is this possible?
> Any advise would be helpful.
> yours
> Alex
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