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Subject: Re: [ubl-dev] Test Assertions for UBL Calculation Model?

At 2009-06-24 19:36 +1000, jaymuz@optusnet.com.au wrote:
>Sorry to jump in gents but I was looking to build this myself 
>however you gentleman know your way around these datasets better 
>than I do and I am hoping you may already have same.
>Do we have a list of BBIE's that may play a role in calculating the 
>balance of an amount in an invoice?

You can see that Stephen and I have started here:


... where you can see we are using "nsprefix:UBLName" and definition, 
assuming a documentary set (not required set) of namespace prefixes 
listed here:


>I am talking all BBIE's that could form part of a calculation.
>This would include a price in a catelogue that may transfer to an order.
>This would not include the address of a supplier.
>A list that would be useful would be:
>UBL Name | Object Class | Property Term | Data Type | Definition

Given that "nsprefix:UBLName" combination will uniquely find the 
other information, and that applications will use "nsprefix:UBLName" 
for access to the information from programs or from stylesheets, I 
suspect our level of detail is sufficient.

One drawback to your proposed list is that it doesn't show context 
(many UBL business entities are used in multiple contexts), so I'm 
proposing an XPath pattern address to the item in question and then a 
relative XPath address to the components on which it is based.  The 
information you want can be derived unambiguously from the 
"nsprefix:UBLName" components used in the XPath addresses.

For example, consider the common library entry:

   TaxTotal | Tax Total. Tax Amount. Amount | The total tax amount for ...

This has different contexts just in our first examples:


... so your level of granularity would not distinguish these two 
different contexts.

>If not I will try and build one myself.

It would help if you could join the committee and contribute to the 
work of the HISC.  If not, then submitting your contributions through 
the official TC comment page is the way to have the committee 
formally consider your input:



. . . . . . . . . . . Ken

Crane Softwrights Ltd.          http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/u/
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G. Ken Holman                 mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com
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