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Subject: Fwd: [ubl-dev] UBL Invoice: Where to put SEPA Creditor ID?


thank you for your answer and advice. I think we'll be starting with the SellerSupplierParty/.../ID, avoiding non-standard extensions for the moment.

And yes, I'd second the opinion that it would be useful to have explicit UBL standard support (or an explicit recommendation maybe) for all the SEPA/SSD-related information.

To summarize, here are the places where I think that information should currently go:

Payee Creditor ID:

Payee IBAN:

Payee BIC:

Payer IBAN:

Payer BIC:

Unique Mandate Reference:
cac:BuyerCustomerParty/cbc:AdditionalAccountID (??)

Note: A seller must request a so-called mandate from the buyer giving them, the seller, permission to debit the payable amount from the buyers's account. The "Unique Mandate Reference" is a seller-provided identification of that buyer-specific permission which must later appear on the buyer's bank account statement. The cac:BuyerCustomerParty/cbc:SupplierAssignedAccountID will probably already be used for the buyer's customer number, which may but need not be equal to the unique mandate reference number. Here, I think the same argument goes as for using Party vs. PaymentMeans for the creditor id. The mandate reference could go both places.

Do you agree? If not, I'd be glad for suggestions or corrections.

And, for the record, here's a link to the European Payments Council with SEPA information in English:


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