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Subject: Re: [ubl-hisc] HISC Teleconference Minutes - 2005-01-18/19

The following is a "think out loud" session for my HISC action item. 
Anyone feel free to jump in with any questions, clarifications, 
whatever--I'd find it most helpful.

The discussion is around navigation paths through forms. For what we're 
trying to do here, does a single navigation path (thread) woven through 
everything make sense? Or do we need a heirarchy of navigational paths? 
If yes, how do we present that in a concrete way?

  Two potential use cases for heir nav. One is when there are multiple 
navigation techniques, like control-to-control, and page-to-page.

  <group id="page1" nextfocus="page2">
    <input id="ctrl1" nextfocus="ctrl2".../>
    <input id="ctrl2" nextfocus="ctrl3".../>
    <input id="ctrlN" nextfocus="ctrl1".../>
    <!-- or maybe next is a specific control on p2 ?? -->
  <group id="page2" prevfocus="page1">

  The two paths never intersect.

  Another use case is when the higher-level path is a "summary" of the
  overall navigation paths.

  <group id="seller" nextfocus="buyer">
    <input id="name_s" nextfocus="addr_s".../>
    <input id="addr_s" nextfocvus="???".../>
  <group id="buyer" nextfocus="items">
    <input id="name_b".../>
    <input id="addr_b".../>
  <group id="items" nextfocus="endnotes">
    <repeat nodeset="...">
      <input id="quan".../>
      <input id="desc".../>
      <inupt id="price".../>
      <input id="ext".../>
  <group id="endnotes" nextfocus="buyer(?)">

  Random thoughts:

  How does navigation work in repeating sequences, like line items?
  How do you have navigating off the end of one repeat row go to the 
start of the next?

Thanks for listening. :)


  Available for consulting. XForms, web forms, information overload.
  Micah Dubinko                           mailto:micah@dubinko.info
  Brain Attic, L.L.C.                        http://brainattic.info
  Yahoo IM: mdubinko
  Learn XForms today: http://xformsinstitute.com

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