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Subject: Re: [ubl-lcsc] comments on 1.0 beta

To reiterate part of Tim's second question: is this a change to ccts?
SCs are working from ccts 2.01, 15 November 2003.


CRAWFORD, Mark wrote:

>cct:Datatype - based on ccts Representation terms with a base=xsd:datatype
>ubl:Datatypes - qualified cct:Datatypes as appropriate
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Tim McGrath [mailto:tmcgrath@portcomm.com.au]
>>Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 10:24 PM
>>To: CRAWFORD, Mark
>>Cc: ubl-lcsc@lists.oasis-open.org; ubl-isc@lists.oasis-open.org
>>Subject: Re: [ubl-lcsc] comments on 1.0 beta
>>does this mean that you now agree the hierarchy of data types 
>>should be...
>>ccts:datatype  (what was once representation terms)
>>isn't this a change to the CCTS or will ATG2 just have a different 
>>schema module name (and confuse us even more) :-)
>>CRAWFORD, Mark wrote:
>>>Stephen wrote:
>>>Here are some more matters perhaps warranting changes before 
>>beta goes to final.
>>>1. Perhaps a candidate for a (CC) Datatype is the shorter 
>>ISO date format used by credit cards and the like i.e. yyyy-mm
>>>At present the DataType for CardAccount.ExpiryDate and 
>>CardAccount.ValidFromDate is Date_DateTime.Type which hardly 
>>seems appropriate for what is certainly not a datetime and 
>>barely a date. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't 
>>think a short ISO date like 2004-11 (equivalent to 11/04 on a 
>>credit card say) would be valid as an xsd:date but then 
>>neither would 2004-11-00 so one would be forced to use 
>>2004-11-01 which might confuse some and leave the way open to 
>>error. Against this is the possibility that some types of 
>>card might not use the month and year only but the whole date 
>>(though I've never heard of such).
>>>Marks Comment:  It would seem to me this is an ongoing 
>>problem because of the way we have (or better yet have not) 
>>handled data types.  Currently the NDR model calls for 
>>creation of  DT and RT modules.  The RT is an instantion of 
>>CCTS, and the DT is intended to be UBL derivations thereto.  
>>In ATG this week we have agreed that there is really no need 
>>for the RT schema module.  What is required are two separate 
>>DT modules - one as instantiation of DTs from the approved 
>>RTs, and one with derived DTs which are restrictions to the 
>>primary DT schema.  For the process identified by Stephen 
>>above, we would create a restricted Date.Type with a pattern 
>>to suit what we believed to be the most appropriate.   In 
>>discussions with Michael Dill, he has expressed a willingness 
>>to accomodate such a change in our model through 
>>instantiation in the schemas.
>>>Stephen wrote:
>>>3. The Representation Term Schema has what appears to be an error: 
>>>The schema reads for Amount, Measure and Quantity like the following
>>><xsd:restriction base="cct:MeasureType">
>>><xsd:attribute name="unitCode" use="required"/>
>>><xsd:attribute name="unitCodeListVersionID" use="prohibited"/>
>>>This, apparently, should be
>>><xsd:restriction base="cct:MeasureType">
>>><xsd:attribute name="unitCode" type="xsd:token" use="required"/>
>>><xsd:attribute name="unitCodeListVersionID" type="xsd:token" 
>>>with type="xsd:token" inserted before 'use=...'
>>>This was shown up by Sonic Software Corporation's Stylus 
>>Studio (version 4.6) but surprisingly not by XML Spy. Perhaps 
>>NDRSC would confirm whether this is a W3C XSD Schema error or 
>>just a software quirk.
>>>Marks Comment:  Concur with the requirement to use 
>>xsd:token. See NDR Section examples.
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