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Subject: Re: [ubl-jplsc] UBL$B$N

$B!V(BUniversal Business Language 1.0$B!W!J(Bindex.html$B!K$NF|K\8lK]LuHG$r35N,%A%'%C%/$7$^$7$?!#(B
$B!&;29M$^$G$K(BJon Bosak$B$+$i$N%a!<%k$rE:IUCW$7$^$9!#(B
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 11:03 AM
Subject: [ubl-jplsc] UBL$B$N


$BK\K]LuHG$O!$A02s$N(BJPLSC$B2q5D!J(B7$B7n(B14$BF|3+:E!K$N;~$K!$(BJPLSC Chair$B$N0KF#MM$+$iG[(B
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e-mail: saito-yukinori@fujielectric.co.jp
Tel: 03-5435-7333      Fax: 03-5435-7513
--- Begin Message ---
Here are the changes that I made to the CD2 index.html file in
response to comments received during the CD1 review period.  The
changes are included in the "sanity check" version sent to this
list last week.



Installed new DocumentComponents illustration from Tim McGrath

Made a lo-res version of that illustration to replace the previous
lo-res version

Changed "UBL has formed several localization (L10N) subcommittees"
to "UBL has formed several localization subcommittees (LSCs)"

Changed "Trade and Business Procedures Working Group" to "Trade
and Business Processes Working Group" (this never got logged as an

Changed the date of publication (this will continue to change till
the CD is sent to the OASIS membership for standardization)

To unsubscribe from this mailing list (and be removed from the roster of the OASIS TC), go to http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/ubl/members/leave_workgroup.php.
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hello UBL TC,

Per instructions posted to the list 3 September and 5 September, I
have made the following changes to the CD2 image and uploaded the
result to our temporary working directory at ibiblio:

 - In index.html, changed the publication date to 5 September and
   revised contact info for Bill Meadows to remove reference to
   Sun Microsystems and change his email address to

 - Revised the NDR checklist in doc/ndr to remove NMS6 and apply a
   new date (2004-09-03) to the document

 - Replaced previous schemas in xsd and xsdrt with

      xsd: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl/200408/bin00009.bin
      xsdrt: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl/200408/bin00008.bin

 - Replaced previous examples with


   (although these appear to be the same files as in the last build)

 - Replaced asn/ASN.1-UBL-1.0.html with new version from


 - Replaced spreadsheets with


   and then replaced 


   with versions from


 - Installed revised /fs directory from


The new build can be found at the same URLs used for the build of
20 August:


In addition to the schema validation performed by the SSC and
reported earlier by Anne Hendry, I have successfully validated the
example instances (and by implication, the schemas they reference)
using both msv and the latest evaluation version of the topologi
editor, which is available at


Note that the /fs directory is still out for review, so it may be
updated between now and our Atlantic TC meeting of 8 September.
We intend to sign off on CD2 during that meeting, so all active
UBL TC members should make sure to attend the call.  (We don't
need a quorum for me to propose the CD for a ballot, but it would
be good to know that we're all agreed on starting the process; if
we start later than 8 September, we will lose a month in getting
the CD to OASIS for consideration as an OASIS Standard.)  We also
intend to sign off on the start of balloting for the NDR CD at
that time.

Xenu reports several cases of anchors in the /fs directory
occurring multiple times; we decided quite a while ago to ignore
these.  It also reports one broken external link:


This link was valid when we published CD1, and my impression is
that it's broken now due to the current disorganized state of the
CEFACT site.  We can either update it to a link that happens to be
valid at the moment (if there is one), or we can just let it go;
after all, this is where the restored file may end back up anyway.

I find it puzzling that the zip file for CD2 is almost a megabyte
smaller than the one for CD1 (7798203 bytes vs. 8678614); if
anyone has a good explanation for this, let me know.


To unsubscribe from this mailing list (and be removed from the roster of the OASIS TC), go to http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/ubl/members/leave_workgroup.php.
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hello UBL TC,

An image of UBL 1.0 CD2 has been uploaded to


with zip file at


Modulo changes to the publication date in index.html (which will
continue to change up till the moment that we have actually
approved the CD), and with the single exception of the updated /fs
directory (which here has been completely omitted to avoid
mistakenly carrying the old one forward but is expected to be
supplied next week), this version contains all changes resulting
from the disposition of comments received during the initial CD
review.  Please review this and be prepared to discuss in our next
Atlantic and Pacific TC calls 1 and 2 September 2004.


To unsubscribe from this mailing list (and be removed from the roster of the OASIS TC), go to http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/ubl/members/leave_workgroup.php.
--- End Message ---

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