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Subject: Re: [ubl-l10n] Localization calls moved to Thursday

Hello Saito-san,

It is important that all the UBL subcommittee co-chairs attend as
many of the weekly TC meetings as possible simply so that they can
participate in decision-making and have a chance to ask questions
regarding proposed plans of action affecting the entire effort.
Perhaps you can rotate this responsibility among the members of
the JPLSC.

If you or another member of the JPLSC cannot attend every week,
then I suggest that you choose one or two meetings a month during
which you will give us a report in person on translation progress,
and send a brief report by email to the entire TC the day
preceding the meeting to cover those meetings at which you cannot
be present.

Best regards,


   Date: Thu, 27 May 2004 17:33:53 +0900
   From: Yukinori Saito <saito-yukinori@fujielectric.co.jp>

   Dear Jon,
   Thank you very much for your leadership of UBL TC Hong Kong Meeting.
   I have gotten very much information regarding UBL specifications and

   As I have said my comment about the frequency of regular teleconference, I
   prefer the monthly teleconference instead of weekly teleconference. Because
   I am busy, and I have not enough time to attend at the teleconference every

   In case you will manage and do the weekly teleconference for all UBL Pacific
   members, would you please select one teleconference for Asian LSC people or
   Japanese people?

   Best Regards,
   Yukinori Saito
   Yukinori Saito
   Fuji Electric Information Service Co., Ltd. (FIS)
   e-mail: saito-yukinori@fujielectric.co.jp
   Tel: +81-3-5435-7333     Fax: +81-3-5435-7513

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