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Subject: [ubl-lcsc] Developing Use Cases for demonstrating "context" - call forvolunteers

The team has recieved the following request....

Matthew Gertner wrote:

We've been having some discussion in the Context Methodology SC regarding use cases that we can exploit to test our context rules as we develop them. These should correspond to real business cases where business documents are modified based on context drivers.
We established that we don't have much expertise in our SC to do this, as we are mostly geeks not business types, and that the business types are unlikely to accept our use cases even if they are technically correct if they don't match real-world realities.
After some discussion, i think it would be helpful if some of the more 'passive' members of our team participated in this work.  it is a task that can be done incrementally via email and would develop into a great asset for the UBL initiative.

So if anyone is lurking out there with some industry domain knowledge, then i would be grateful if they contacted me directly (in the first instance) and we can arrange a delegation to assist Matt and his team.

tim mcgrath
fremantle  western australia 6160
phone: +618 93352228  fax: +618 93352142 

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