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Subject: Re: [ubl-lcsc] First XML-Schemas

from my brief experimentation with this, it appears that if we adopted 
CC Types for our BIEs, then the 'entity name'-type convention would not 
be necessary and we would get a valid XML Schema.  am i looking at this 

Stuhec, Gunther wrote:

>Hello LCSC-Group,
>as discussed, I send you the first attachment of some XML-Schemas
>transformed by the following Excel-Sheets:
>- OrderSummary1.xls 
>- Revised Spreadsheet.xls (changed into OrderSummary2.xls)
>- UBL BIE catalog v0.2.xls (changed into UblBie2.xls)
>I put all generted XML-schemas into the attached files. There also a HTML
>based document of each XML-Schema in it. But this documentation is generated
>by the programm "XML Console" which is a component of "XML Turbo", because
>XML Spy could not generate any documentation of a not valid XML-Schema.
>If you have some suggestions, improvements or modifications. I will put it
>into my perl-program immediately. I will send it out if this little programm
>is stable enough.
>	Gunther

tim mcgrath
fremantle  western australia 6160
phone: +618 93352228  fax: +618 93352142 

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