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Subject: [ubl-lcsc] Agenda for UBL Library Content subcommittee Tuesday 12thFebruary between 9-11 a.m California time

The next meeting of the UBL Library Content subcommittee will be held on 
Tuesday 12th February between 9-11 a.m California time

The numbers to call are:
954 797 0718 (international)
877 322 9648 (U.S.)
Participant code 956 824

Once again we shall run a MetMeeting in conjunction with this call.  For 
access details consult the message:

It would be helpful if those using NetMeeting would connect 5 minutes 
prior to the call.

The proposed agenda is:

1. Welcome from Chair and appointment of Secretary to take minutes

2. Acceptance of previous minutes (Kurt/Lisa - where are they?)

3. Action arising from previous meeting
* Gunther and Arofan - revised BIE schema for 'Party'
* Polly - review of initial BIE library
* Tim/Lisa - update methodology document
* Sue - proposal for Representation types
* All - review and update Issues Log.

4. Results of review of initial BIE library

5. Work plan
* converting the BIEs to the XSD model
* component review ('Party' to OASIS CIQ team).
* assembling the Order document
* liaison review of Order document

6. Reports on status of other UBL subcommittees
Tools and technique sc (Arofan)
Naming and design rules sc (Mark)
Context drivers sc (Sue)
Context assembly sc (Arofan)

7. Technical Editor's report, web site updates, etc. (Lisa)

8. Other Business
News from eBTWG/X12 meeting

9. Next meeting.

tim mcgrath
fremantle  western australia 6160
phone: +618 93352228  fax: +618 93352142 

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