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Subject: [ubl-lcsc] Agenda for UBL Library Content subcommittee will be held onTuesday 18th June between 8-10 a.m California time

The next meeting of the UBL Library Content subcommittee will be held on Tuesday 18th June between 8-10 a.m California time

The numbers to call are:
954 797 0718 (international)
877 322 9648 (U.S.)
Participant code 956 824

NB sorry, no netmeeting for this call....

The proposed agenda is:

1. Welcome from Chair and  appointment of Secretary to take minutes

2. Acceptance of previous minutes

3. Action arising from previous meeting      4. Work plan
*  Code/Identifier (Sue, Mike)
*  Private vs Standard Identifier (Frank, Mike, Gunther)
*  Date/Time (Gunther,Mike)
*  Methodology (Bob,Tim)
*  Class Diagram Librarian (Frank)
*  Order Response (Bill, Lisa)
*  Actioning Disposition tasks (Various)
*  Ontology (Peter)
*  Context Liaison  (Sue)
*  Modeling tools (Gunther)
*  Schema generator (Gunther)
*  Peer review of other models (OAG,EAN/UCC,ACORD) (ongoing)

5. Reports on status of other UBL subcommittees
Tools and technique sc (Arofan)
Naming and design rules sc (anyone)
Context drivers sc (Sue)
Context assembly sc (Arofan)
Liaison (Sue/Lisa)

6. Reports on status of other related projects
Core Component Technical Specs (Mike/Lisa)
eBTWG CCSD (Sally)

7. Other Business

8. Next meeting.
tim mcgrath
fremantle  western australia 6160
phone: +618 93352228  fax: +618 93352142 

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