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Subject: Re: [ubl-lcsc] [QA Team] LC Packaging Document (Was:Feedback onMethodology Paper)

Tim (et al)

The QA team is looking over this document, but before formal QA Team review, I would like to have an agreement on the LCSC title of this document (LC Packaging Document?) and apply version control.  Also, I would like to have it in OASIS template format with track changes enabled.  If this is a problem, please let me know.







Marion A. Royal
202.208.4643 (Office)
202.302.4634 (Mobile)

"Tim McGrath" <tmcgrath@portcomm.com.au>
01/07/2003 08:08 AM ZE8

To: Lisa-Aeon <lseaburg@aeon-llc.com>
cc: "Marion Royal" <marion.royal@gsa.gov>, Ubl-Lcsc <ubl-lcsc@lists.oasis-open.org>
Subject: Re: [ubl-lcsc] [QA Team] Feedback on Methodology Paper

Please find attached the proposed (draft) for our imminent release.  can
i get a quick QA on it so far? specifically the methodology section.

NB the links wont work yet!

Lisa-Aeon wrote:

>Here is the feedback from Matt on the Methodology paper.  Matt brings up
>some interesting thoughts.
>I would like to put this on the agenda for the next QA Team Meeting.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Matthew Gertner" <matthew.gertner@acepoint.cz>
>To: "Lisa-Aeon" <lseaburg@aeon-llc.com>
>Sent: Monday, January 06, 2003 8:54 AM
>Subject: QA Feedback
>I am attaching a slightly marked up version of Tim's methodology paper.
>I made a few editorial changes. In general it was unclear to me who the
>intended audience of this document is and what it current stage of
>development is. It appeared to me that the entire text is right now only
>introduction for some expose to come of the actual UBL methodology. Is
>this correct?
>I would almost tend to say that the text is too long and not entirely
>focused on the problem at hand. It is an interesting and enlightened
>discussion of what is meant my document engineering, but do we need this
>as a UBL deliverable? Certainly I would personally be more interested in
>understanding the exact structure of the LC SC spreadsheet, what fields
>mean what, examples of particularly tricky cases and how they are
>solved, reasons why a move to a more database-oriented format is felt
>necessary, etc.

tim mcgrath
fremantle  western australia 6160
phone: +618 93352228  fax: +618 93352142

Universal Business Language — Part 2: Library Content


This document has been prepared to assist parties wishing to comment on the UBL Library. It attempts to explain the various components of the UBL Library Content release and how they  fit together to form part of the overall architecture for UBL.

The UBL Library is…

The Library has been designed as a collection of object classes and associations expressed as a conceptual model. Each document type is then assembled from this common model as a collection of business information entities. These hierarchical models are then transformed using the UBL Naming and Design rules (Ref:) into XML Schema syntax. The analysis and design processes developed by the UBL Library Content team is described by in Appendix A.

The UBL library and its design approach has value to both UBL implementors and the broader community. Adopting a formal approach will enable a broader range of interested parties to understand, refine and extend the UBL Library and to develop models for contextualized situations.  For example, the document Order Response may have a limited audience, but the re-usable component Party or Item will have relevance to many applications. We are keen to hear from experts who can suggest supplementary components used in the context of their industry or geopolitical environment.

1 Scope

UBL establishes a system for the concrete representation of documents to be used in electronic commerce.

The Library Content part of UBL specifies a library of business information entities to be used in the construction of business documents together with a set of common XML business documents assembled from entities in the library.

2 Normative References


XML Schema


3 Terms and Definitions

Normalization:  a formal technique for identifying and defining functional dependencies.

Containership: aggregating components (e..g nested elements in an XML schema).

Normalized Model: a representation of normalized data components.

Document Assembly: a description of an hierarchical pathway through a normalized model

Hierarchical Model: a 'tree' structured model that can be implemented as a document schema.

Context: the circumstance or events that form the environment within which something exists or takes place.  

Class Diagram

Busines Information Entity

Core Component

Object Class


Representation Term


4 Symbols and Abbreviations





5 UBL Context and Business Rules

[The former

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