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Subject: Re: [ubl-lcsc] UBL Schema 1.0-alpha draft-1 20030918 (With Draft CodeList Schemas)

Good stuff, Ken!  The specific examples, and comments on
the differences between what's there and what's expected
are very useful.  Thanks for going through.  I'll run
through your examples and match the filenames with the
right content, as well as generating mirror copies for
*-Use-* for OOTB.  Think many feedbacks from Stephen &
Lisa are on this -Use- issue.

There was some discussion during LC call on codelists'
"standardness", as to whether it means UBL-standard, or
international standards as set by, say ISO or UNECE.

And also the treatment of external codelists (codelists
authoritatively managed by external agencies, like the
CountryIdentifierCode & CurrencyCode).  

I've separately done some codelist transformation work
on the UNECE codelists into spreadsheet format, and could
extend that further to UBL-codelist-conformant format
now as the CodeListCatalogue is stabilising and has a
namespace value and assigned prefix to them.

However, I did face a "matching" issue.  I could find
5 codelists:
- Country Code 		--> cnt
- Currency Code		--> cur
- Mode Of Transport	--> stm
- Unit Of Measurement	--> UNASSIGNED IN UBL

The unassigned lists apparently has no equivalent prefixes
of similar nature defined in CodeListCatalogue.  

Please check to see if I've matched the first 3 correctly.

Best Regards,
Chin Chee-Kai
Tel: +65-6820-2979
Fax: +65-6743-7875
Email: cheekai@SoftML.Net

On Fri, 19 Sep 2003, G. Ken Holman wrote:

>>This is looking good, Chee-Kai!  But I do see some issues to be addressed.
>>At 2003-09-19 11:16 +0800, Chin Chee-Kai wrote:
>>>Here's an implementation of UBL Schema 1.0-alpha draft-1 20030918,
>>>with codelist schemas, placebos and stocks, included.
>>(1) I don't see any "Standard" definitions.  One thing that has been
>>overlooked in this implementation of the design is that the design
>>distinguishes all code lists as *either* standard or placebo, and the
>>in-use schema is the one of these that is defined for the code list.
>>The stock definitions only apply for those code lists with placebo definitions.
>>When looking at the complete selection of code lists you will not see
>>either a placebo definition or stock definition for those that have a
>>standard definition.
>>For example, I note from your catalogue XML that "chn" is
>>standard.  Therefore, in the list of XSD files I would see "chn-Use-" and
>>"chn-Standard-" but not any others for "chn" ... and I suspect the
>>"chn-Stock-" that I do see you have created is the correct content for the
>>"chn-Standard-" file.
>>(2) In your catalogue XML I note that "acc" has a stock
>>definition.  Therefore, I would expect to see "acc-Use-" and "acc-Placebo-"
>>(both of those being the same content) and then an additional "acc-Stock-"
>>definition with the stock values.  I *do* already see the Placebo and Stock
>>definitions, so all that is missing is the "-Use-".
>>All of the XSD schemaLocation= attributes pointing to code lists in the
>>import statements of Reusable should be using the "-Use-" filename.
>>(3) In your catalogue XML I note that "cnt" has an external
>>definition.  Therefore I would expect to see "cnt-Use-" and "cnt-Placebo-"
>>(both of those being the same content), and (eventually, I realize you may
>>not have done externals yet) the "cnt-Stock-" synthesized from the XSLT
>>stylesheet using "cnt-Placebo-" as the main source and
>>as the input of enumerations (which would be somewhere in the spreadsheet
>>and your catalogue XML.
>>>Couple of notes (please refer to the XML CodeListCatalogue):
>>>- Stock codelist schemas are generated whenever there are
>>>   values in "Actual Values" field.
>>True, but also Stock code list definitions are also generated whenever
>>there is an external definition.
>>>Internationlisation of
>>>   externally defined codelists are still in stage of discussion.
>>>   So they (and what these happen to be) are yet to be defined
>>>   and included.
>>Ahhhhh ... thank you ... that addresses a couple of my points above.
>>>- I've inserted <ccts:Instance> info into Placebo and Stock codelists
>>>   as per other Reusable and Document schemas, in anticipation that
>>>   they might be useful   (since the prefix information is associated
>>>   with codelists anyway).    But let me know if they're not really
>>>   useful and I could remove them in draft-2.
>>>- Private adjunct schema isn't included.
>>Nor would they ever be by us ... private-use files will all be generated by
>>implementers and end-users.
>>Thanks, Chee-Kai, I hope these comments help.
>>......................... Ken
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