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Subject: Re: [ubl-lcsc] [code] updated Catalogue and some draft schemas

The answer to the multiple uses of the same codelist would be to change the 
model spreadsheets to use just one prefix for all three reason codes, then to remove
 two of the code entries from the catalogue and rename the remaining entry 
'ReasonCode' provided there is no other code called 'ReasonCode'.

This of course would need another draft - 
and if we are actually inclined to do this I'd put in a bid now to reconsider the three 
channel type BBIEs in Contact (email, phone and fax) and add them instead as value to the
ChannelCode codelist along with pager and SMS. This would allow proper reusability of the
 library ABIE 'Communication' - quite an important ABIE for potential future reuse.

All the best


>>> Anne Hendry <anne.hendry@sun.com> 22/10/03 09:18:30 >>>
- AllowanceChargeReasonCode, CancellationReasonCode, 
  Created 3 new "Stock" schema files, one for each code, all using the 4465
  values found at http://www.unece.org/trade/untdid/d03a/tred/tred4465.htm.
  Wasn't sure if there was a mechanism in place to reduce this type of
  duplication when using the same code values for multiple codes,
  but let me know if so - it's easy to remove the files.

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