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Subject: corrected UBL 1.0 Beta spreadsheets

Hello Stephen,
as agreed in the last lcsc call please find enclosed corrected UBL 1.0 Beta
spreadsheets in order to implement the further changes between Beta and

Corrected means that all the technical amendments have been made, which are
described in the word document (see the email sent to Marion and the
list)and discussed in the last lcsc call.

This is 'just' a working version. In the final one we can separate the
reusable and the documents as in 1.0 Beta.

1. The UBL name is STILL the 1.0 Beta name and needs to be updated! The
Dictionary Entry Names are EF generated, OK and double-checked.
My dear Excel does not allow me to change the formulas in order to reflect
the made changes with the columns. Here I'm helpless. Maybe you succeed in
updating? I assume that some users would like to use the spreadsheet...

2. The dark grey/gray columns AH to AV are for archiving and comparison
purposes. Thus we can build a change list. Please do not change them. I can
import them in the UML model for UBL data. In the final spreadsheet they
will be deleted.

3. The columns AB to AG should be moved to the not yet existing UBL data
type spreadsheet. As of now the are still empty. The ccts:Data type issue is
still open.

4. The columns AW, AX and AY are for you to log your changes. I suggest as
Indicators:'-' for to be deleted in Final; '+' added; '*' changed, '#'
replacement (this line replaces another which has to have a '-'). But this
is just a suggestion. This would be good for internal tracking and is not
part of any official Final data (or?).

Best regards,
Michael Dill


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