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Subject: Re: [ubl-lcsc] ** Please Review UBL Model 1.0 draft 3 as a proposed final 1.0 model ** (sent earlier)

Looking at the CCTSpec and the datatype question
regarding YearMonth, I'm fairly sure that we couldn't
or wouldn't wish to use a DataType. The reason is
1. a DT has to be derived from a CCT by extension or
restriction (as Sue pointed out in NDRSC)
2. we wouldn't wish to use as a base type any type
that lost its 'date' characterisation (as Eduardo pointed out)
3. I'm pretty sure we cannot restict or extend a date or
date_time to get a YearMonth because a pattern
based on date can only take values, even after
restriction, which are technically *legal*. So 2004-02, say, 
could never be a legal value for a date, even a restricted date.
Therefore what would be needed, to my mind, is a new
CCT, as Sue suggested, with some date-related base like
a union of xsd:date and xsd:gYearMonth (to allow either format)
(Incidentally, is a union of CCTs allowed as a user defined
** If unions can be used for CCTs, I'd *very* much like to propose
one to allow EITHER xsd:date OR xsd:dateTime. Usually one
needs to cater for either of these in all sorts of date entities. **
4. The alternative would be to restrict cct:TextType or the like
and in doing so lose the recognition of a value as a part
of an ISO date. This could be a UBL DataType, but would be
less than desirable, technically speaking, since it can only
be validated with parsers as a string and not as a date or
part of a date.
All the best
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 1:00 PM
Subject: [ubl-lcsc] ** Please Review UBL Model 1.0 draft 3 as a proposed final 1.0 model ** (sent earlier)

Having pondered today the matter of an apparent
requirement or wish for a YearMonth DataType, I've
come to the conclusion that there are too many
issues for debate to meet the deadline for 1.0.
One issue for example is that, as I think Sue suggested,
it might be better to propose it as a new CCT. Others
include the fact that we don't use xsd:choice in UBL
and so we'd probably need something like two
separate BBIEs ExpiryDate and ExpiryYearMonth
each of which would be optional and implementers
would have to accept that either or even both might
be used (the latter probably incorrectly ??). All this
would need debate. Not least is the fact that we'd have
to spend some time examining and reveiwing how, for
the first time, we implement the CC naming rules and
CCT metadata, etc whether there need be any
Supplementary Components and the like. All too much
for me to do alone and all in one day and really I need
to get the draft model out today (which in Asia is almost
So I can almost see Tim's glee as I back down on
this one :-)
** This means I'll suggest we take 1.0 draft 3, that posted
earlier today, as the draft for review for 1.0 final. **
Also, I'll start to look at the instances and FPSC Specs
in the light of the Schemas I sent out earlier, hoping
that the finally accepted versions will be the same or
won't be far removed from these. The sample will need
some changing to adopt the split reusable data
(CAT and CBT) but I hope I can do this with some
confidence that in the timescale available it won't have to
be radically changed again. I expect Ken will be thinking
similarly :-)
All the best

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