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Subject: AW: [ubl-lcsc] MinOccurrence/MaxOccurrence-XSD sequence default is 1..1

-----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
Von: dill [mailto:dill@gefeg.com]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 18. Februar 2004 12:03
An: Tim McGrath
Cc: Mcrawford@Lmi. Org; Lisa-Aeon; David Kruppke;
Betreff: AW: [ubl-lcsc] MinOccurrence/MaxOccurrence-XSD sequence default
is 1..1

> I assume that it defaults to 0..1 but if it doesn't we
need an NDR rule for this as well.

Sorry, the XSD sequence default is 1..1. I'd expect a drafted LCSC rule for
this in order to put it in
to NDR,or so.... I think that NDR would need such a proposal on the NDR
agenda next week.


-----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
Von: Tim McGrath [mailto:tmcgrath@portcomm.com.au]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 18. Februar 2004 04:42
An: Michael Dill
Cc: ubl-lcsc@lists.oasis-open.org; David Kruppke; Lisa-Aeon;
Mcrawford@Lmi. Org
Betreff: Re: [ubl-lcsc] MinOccurrence/MaxOccurrence

Item 1.

this was discussed at the 0p70 review and the resolution states...

a) Min/Max values are in spreadsheet; NDR should ensure these are picked
up by tools; LC needs to define policy for default values.

the LC policy is for explicit cardinality statements in the schemas - we
cannot rely on defaults.  we have an issue with XMLSpy becasue it likes
to update the schemas and remove default statements - but that does not
affect the policy only the QA'ing of the schemas.

I do not think this applies to sequence - which is an XSD construct.  As
such it is  not described in our models so we have nothing to say about
cardinality.  I assume that it defaults to 0..1 but if it doesn't we
need an NDR rule for this as well.

b) the handcrafted schemas do not fit many NDRs - that is one of the
issues for the plenary.  they are currently based on OAG/UBL/ATG2
work-in-progress plus some UBL specific chnages to correct them.  if we
make these part of the modeling they can be generated by EF (like the
other schemas) and fit the same the NDRs - then we dont get this
confusion and inconsistency.

Michael Dill wrote:

>in Amsterdam I gave and we discussed the EF generated draft schemas from
>UBL model. EF just generated MinOccurrence/MaxOccurrence if different from
>the default. You said that MinOccurrence/MaxOccurrence shall occur in any
>case. Now we changed as requested (for the EF generated schemas) BUT:
>1. a sequence has MinOccurrence/MaxOccurrence as well. Neither your schemas
>nor the handcrafted schemas ('Parameters'etc) use this. Thus we decided,
>to write any MinOccurrence/MaxOccurrence for a sequence. a) Correct? b) If
>there is any rule in the NDR roolbook for this, then please let's make sure
>that this issue is clearly stated in that rule, OK?
>2. At least the handcrafted schemas ('Parameters' etc.) do not follow the
>rule "MinOccurrence/MaxOccurrence shall occur in any case" you gave us.
>Example: UBL-CoreComponentParameters-1.0-draft-4.xsd
>shows "<xsd:complexType name="ComponentType">
>		<xsd:sequence>
>			<xsd:element ref="CategoryCode" minOccurs="0"/>"
>and shows "<xsd:complexType name="ContextType">
>		<xsd:sequence>
>			<xsd:element ref="IndustryClassification" minOccurs="0"
>conclusio: decision and rule in the NDR rulebook is needed, whether
>MinOccurrence/MaxOccurrence has just to be exist, if there is any non
>default value OR always.
>please correct me, if the above mentioned issue is already clear.
>Lisa: I'm con...., ;-)
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tim mcgrath
phone: +618 93352228
postal: po box 1289   fremantle    western australia 6160

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