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Subject: [ubl-lsc] UBL Liaison SC minutes Friday 25 October 2002

Liaisons present:

        Yes     No

        x               Jon Bosak (chair)
        x               Mark Crawford (UN/CEFACT ATG)
                x       Derek Coleman (RosettaNet)
                x       Bill French (EIDX)
        x               John Hervey (NACS)
                x       Kris Ketels (SWIFT)
                x       Richard Mader (ARTS)
                x       Charlie Mead (HL7)
        x               Sue Probert (UN/CEFACT TBG)
        x       x       Ray Seddigh (XBRL)
                x       Robert Shanbaum (VCA)
                x       James Whittle (e.centre)
                x       Nigel Wooden (ACORD)

   We did not achieve a quorum.

Regrets: Charlie Mead, Nigel Wooden, Bill French

Others present:

   Stuart Feder (invited observer, SDMX)
   Bob Matsey (invited observer, UIG)
   Tim McGrath (invited observer, chair UBL LCSC)
   Garret Minakawa (invited observer, OAG)
   Lisa Seaburg (invited observer, UBL LCSC)

1. Calendar (http://oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/lsc/calendar.htm)

   The event in Sydney has been canceled.  Various additions were
   made to the calendar.

2. Review schedule

   Liaisons should be aware that we are planning a major review
   release of the UBL library after the next plenary meeting
   (18-22 November), targeting a December release for 0p70.  This
   will be a significant upgrade from the previous two review
   packages and will include consolidation with materials from the
   NDR group.  It is fairly well on track at this point.

   After some discussion, it was decided (informally) that the
   next review cycle should not end with the meeting in February
   but that instead that meeting should be devoted to getting
   input from X12.

   Reasonable goals for the coming review period would be: seek
   implementations; incorporate feedback from initial
   implementations; develop stylesheets; use as a framework for
   deciding issues such as CIQ address; start on Context
   Methodology work.

   We need to poll the liaisons for their schedules.  NACS has a
   meeting in December and could make a February deadline, but we
   need to check the rest.

   It would be good to have a more interactive format for reviews,
   but we need to get the schedules to arrange this.

Jon Bosak
Chair, UBL Liaison Subcommittee

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