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Subject: [ubl-msc] UBL slides

UBL subcommittee chairs and members of the UBL Marketing and
Liaison Subcommittees,

Attached is a presentation I gave last week to the XML/EDI Working
Group of the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG).  This is a
completely new presentation based on a briefing I gave at the
Infoworld CTO Forum earlier this month.  I'd like to maintain this
as my stock presentation for a while in a form that can easily be
used by other speakers.

I'd appreciate it if you could run through this when you get a
chance and let me know offline of any additions or improvements
that might occur to you.  Chairs of the LC, NDR, and CM
subcommittees will particularly oblige me by sending periodic
updates of the slides describing the status of their respective


Jon Bosak <jon.bosak@sun.com>
Chair, OASIS UBL Technical Committee

Attachment: 0204aiag.ppt
Description: Binary data

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