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ubl-ndrsc-chair message

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Subject: OASIS TC - Status of UBL Naming and Design Rules SC Members

UBL Naming and Design Rules SC Chair,

These members have not attended 2 of the last 3 meetings.  You can change their status by going to http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/ubl/ubl-ndrsc/manage/attendance.php?x=2&y=3&highlight_type=have_not&new_status=4&modify_ids%5B5363%5D=on&modify_ids%5B6040%5D=on&modify_ids%5B5878%5D=on&modify_ids%5B5719%5D=on&modify_ids%5B4982%5D=on&modify_ids%5B5035%5D=on&modify_ids%5B4981%5D=on&modify_ids%5B4986%5D=on&modify_ids%5B4978%5D=on&modify_ids%5B4989%5D=on&modify_ids%5B7399%5D=on&modify_ids%5B4988%5D=on&modify_ids%5B4979%5D=on&modify_ids%5B4985%5D=on&modify_ids%5B4977%5D=on&modify_ids%5B5038%5D=on&modify_ids%5B5037%5D=on&modify_ids%5B5039%5D=on&modify_ids%5B5040%5D=on&modify_ids%5B5411%5D=on&modify_ids%5B9036%5D=on&modify_ids%5B9035%5D=on

* Matthew Gertner
* Gunther Stuhec
* Danny Vint
* bill meadows
* saiqa chowdry
* Marion Royal
* J Glace
* Eduardo Gutentag
* Kris Ketels
* Michael Grimley
* jack gager
* Eve Maler
* John Larmouth
* bill burcham
* Fabrice Desre
* Jim Wilson
* Tim McGrath
* anne hendry
* Arofan Gregory
* Chee-Kai Chin
* Mikkel Brun
* Anthony Coates

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